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Extract DNA using DNeasy Blood and Tissue kit[edit]


iPS 29e P21 received from Eggan Lab on 2/12/2010 (cell pellet with unknown cell count)
PGP1F received from Jay Lee on 1/27/2010 (cell pellet with 100,000 cells/tube, and one tube is used)


a. centrifuge the appropriate number of cells (max 5 million) for 5 min at 1000g.
    Resuspend the pellet in 200ul PBS, add 20ul proteinase K
   *put 400ul PBS into iPS cell pellet, break up the cells and aliquot into 2 tubes with 200ul each

    [RNA-free gDNA: add 4ul RNase A (100mg/ml), mix by vortexing, incubate for 2 min at RT ]

b. add 200ul buffer AL (without added ethanol), mix thoroughly by vortexing, and incubate at 56C for 10 min.
c. add 200ul 100% ethanol to the sample, and mix thoroughly by vortexing

d. pipet the mixture from last step into the DNeasy Mini spin column placed in a 2 ml collection tube.
     centrifuge at 8000rpm for 1 min, discard the flow-through and collection tube.

e. place the DNeasy Mini spin column placed in a new 2 ml collection tube, add 500ul buffer AW1, and
     centrifuge at 8000rpm for 1 min, discard the flow-through and collection tube.
f. place the DNeasy Mini spin column placed in a new 2 ml collection tube, add 500ul buffer AW2, and
     centrifuge at 14,000rpm for 3 min to dry DNeasy membrane, discard the flow-through and collection tube.

h. place the DNeasy Mini spin column in a clean 1.5ml microcentrifuge tube, and pipet 200ul buffer AE on the membrane.
     Incubate at RT for 1 min, then centrifuge at 8000rpm for 1min
i. maximum yeild, repeat last elution step with a new 1.5ml tube


first elution:
PGP1F: 95.7ng/ul * 200ul
ips 29e P21: 136.6ng/ul * 200ul
ips 29e P21: 134.6ng/ul * 200ul
second elution:
PGP1F: 5.3ng/ul * 100ul
ips 29e P21: 64.2ng/ul * 100ul
ips 29e P21: 45ng/ul * 100ul

Continue the preparation of biotin-labeled probe for exome capture[edit]

Construction of Illumina Genomic libraries[edit]

previous preparation steps can be found under labnotes 1-10-2010 for DF and foreskin sets
previous preparation steps can be found under labnotes 1-15-2010 for CViB and CViF sets
DF and foreskin sets still have purified post-PCR product after ligation
CViB and CViF sets stopped at ligation step

adaptor ligation[edit]

Prepare adaptors (need to be done only for the first time): 
100uM PE-t: 20ul
100uM PE-b: 20ul
10x stoffel buffer:  10ul
H2O:        50ul
94C for 3 min, and then cool down to 20C at the rate of 0.1C/sec. 
commonly used adaptors:
Blunt-end adaptors:

TA adaptors (for the one adaptor protocol):
3-CTTCTGCCGTATGCTCGAGAAGGCTAG-5’Phos	                t_adaptor_rc_s

regular Y adaptor:
PE_t_adaptor(top)              ACACTCTTTCCCTACACGACGCTCTTCCGATC*T              3'-Phosphorothioate bond	
PE_b_adaptor(bottom)           \\5phos\\GATCGGAAGAGCGGTTCAGCAGGAATGCCGAG       5'-phosphorylation	
Set up ligation reaction. Note that the ATP in the Quick Ligase buffer hydrolyzes very quickly after several rounds of freeze/thaw 
cycles, so it’s a good idea to make small aliquots of a fresh tube of Quick Ligase Buffer, and use one small aliquot each time. 
adaptor:target molar ratio is 1:10~20
A-tailed DNA                               10 ul
20uM Y adaptor                             3 ul (4.3ul for CViB)
5X Quick ligase buffer                     10 ul  
Quick Ligase                                3 ul
H2O                                        24 ul (22.7ul for CViB)                                                  
Incubate at room temperature for 15 minutes
purify the product with Agencourt AMpure kit and elute in 40ul ddH2O


Ligation products                 5ul      (8 well for each set, total of 16 well) 
100uM Solexa_PCR_up               0.2ul        
100uM solexa_PCR-lo               0.2ul
2X phusion HF master mix          50ul         
H2O                               45ul       
PCR program: 98 °C 30sec  -> 9 cycles of (98°C 10sec -> 60°C 20 sec -> 72°C 15sec) -> 72°C 3min ->15°C hold.
purify the products with Qiaquick kit and elute in 40ul ddH2
CViB: 48.7ng/ul
CViF: 77.7ng/ul
File:ZhangLab 2 2010-02-16 14hr 08min.jpg

Biotin-labeled probe capture[edit]

Hybrid selection[edit]

Mix the following to 20ul total volume: 
1ug ligated DNA with 100ng padlock probes
2.5ug of human Cot-1 DNA
2ul of 10X AmpLigase buffer
1ul of 100uM competing oligos each (Solexa_up and Solexa_lo
DF6-9-9: 221ng/ul (5ul needed)
foreskin: 153ng/ul (6.5ul needed)
CViB: 48.7ng/ul (20.5ul needed)
CViF: 77.7ng/ul (13ul needed)
exome probe (with Jan09 1-5,8,9,Mar R2, R3): 7ng/ul (14ul needed)

system setup (all units are in ul):

reagents DF foreskin CviB CviF
DNA 5 6.5 20.5 13
probe 14 14 14 14
10x ampligase buffer 4 4 4 4
human Cot-1 DNA 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
Solexa_up (100uM) 1 1 1 1
Solexa_lo (100uM) 1 1 1 1
ddH2O 2.5 1 7 4.5
total: 30 30 50 40
95C 5min -> cool down to 60C at 0.01C/sec -> 60C 24 hours -> 55C 24 hours.