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In-tube MDA on C1 amplicons[edit]


Hemo - 9/22/2014 Probes
Phusion - 9/22/2014 Probes
Hemo - 5/23/2015 Probes
Phusion - 5/23/2015 Probes
Well #     C1 Rxn #     Concentration     Single Cell?
---------------Strip A1---------------
B1         09           13.704            Yes
C1         15           13.952            Yes
D1         21           13.523            Yes
E1         25           13.001            Yes
F1         31           16.406            Yes
G1         37           13.257            Yes
C2         14           11.000            Yes
D2         20           13.812            Yes
---------------Strip A2---------------
E2         26           14.155            Yes
C3         13           12.314            Yes
E3         27           12.841            Yes
F3         33           14.184            Yes
D7         24           14.905            Yes
E7         28           14.533            Yes
G7         40           13.821            Yes
H7         46           11.957            Yes
---------------Strip A3---------------
C8         17           6.037             Yes
D8         23           6.790             Yes
H8         47           10.075            Yes
C9         16           10.221            Yes
D9         22           11.334            Yes
E9         30           11.339            Yes
NTC (Water)
NTC (Water)
    • P44G BA9
Well #     C1 Rxn #     Concentration     Single Cell?
---------------Strip B1---------------
B1         09           16.070            Yes
C1         15           15.929            Yes
G1         37           17.105            Yes
H1         43           17.676            Yes
C2         14           18.348            Yes
F2         32           17.955            Yes
H2         44           17.686            Yes
H3         45           18.600            Yes
---------------Strip B2---------------
B4         55           19.471            Yes
E4         75           17.361            Yes
D5         68           20.648            Yes
E5         74           19.407            Yes
E6         73           16.314            Yes
A7         06           14.992            Yes
B7         12           15.906            Yes
F7         34           16.735            Yes
---------------Strip B3---------------
A8         05           13.423            Yes
E8         29           17.211            Yes
A9         04           14.023            Yes
H10        96           11.671            Yes
C11        65           12.849            Yes
B12        60           5.804             Yes
F12        82           14.363            Yes
H12        94           13.762            Yes


  • Make ALS and UV (also UV NS = NS is from Andrew w/ 600mM HCl):
2ul EDTA
90ul H2O+DTT (this is a premix in the ".11M DTT" tubes from Andrew)
8ul 5M KOH
  • We will be doing 24 rxn's + 2 NTC:
Rxn                  Template
1->8, Strip A1       1ul C1 amplicon (~10ng)
1->8, Strip A2       1ul C1 amplicon (~10ng)
1->6,2NTC Strip A3   1ul C1 amplicon (~10ng) <- 2NTCs are just 1ul of water
1->8, Strip B1       1ul C1 amplicon (~10ng)
1->8, Strip B2       1ul C1 amplicon (~10ng)
1->8, Strip B3       1ul C1 amplicon (~10ng)
  • Add 1.5ul ALS to each rxn and incubate on ice for 10min
  • Add 1.5ul NS and proceed to adding in mastermix
  • Rxn mastermix
              1x     51x
Template      1ul    -
ALS           1.5    -
NS            1.5    -
Mod N6 (1mM)  1      51
dNTP          0.8    40.8
10x Buffer    2      102
Phi29         1      51
Water         11.2   571.2
              20 (add 16ul to each rxn)
  • Aliquot 102ul per well in strip tube and add 16ul to each reaction
  • MDA program (can do in regular thermocycler): 37C 2hr -> 10C forever

Target Capture - Using C1 amplicons and extended MDA from 2015_08_10 C1 run (WZTO BA9, P44G BA9) w/ 9/22/2014 probes (Hemo and Phusion Reactions)[edit]


  • Above, I did extended 2hr MDA on 22 amplicons from WZTO BA9 and 24 amplicons from P44G BA9
  • Today, I'll be running a probe capture on all of these amplicons using my 9/22/2014 probes. Today, I'll be keeping the same probe set for each sample but using either Hemo or Phusion in roder to do the reactions


Thermocycler Overview[edit]

1 = 95C      8:00
2 = 94.8C    0:30
    -0.2C per cycle
3 = Goto 2, 173 times
4 = 60C Forever (20hr -> add KLN or Phusion -> 4hr)
5 = 94C      2:00
6 = 37C   2:00:00
7 = 95C      5:00
8 = 10C    Forever

Calculation of mass of probe required for each human gDNA input[edit]

    rxn     Target (ng)         Probe:Target     Probe (ng)        Description
    --      50ng                500:1            3.69 (CW 9/22)    CW 9/22 Extended C1 Well -- (Hemo KlenTaq or Phusion)
  • My CW 9/22/2014 probes are already 1ng/ul, so no need to dilute
  • We approximated the concentration of the extended MDA to ~50ng/ul so it'll be quicker to add just 1ul of extended MDA product instead of modulating volume
    rxn             Target (ul)         Probe (ul)         Water (ul)   Description
    1->8 A1-3,B1-3  1.00 (Extended C1)  3.69 (CW 9/22)     13.31        CW 9/22 Extended C1 Wells (Hemo KlenTaq or Phusion)
  • Final reaction volume will be 18ul for all reaction prior to adding 10x AmpLigase buffer
  • We make a reaction mastermix with probes, water and AmpLigase buffer without any template and aliquot it out into a strip tube to make it quicker to pipette:
Target                  --
CW 9/22/2014 Probes     369ul
Water                   1331ul
10x AmpLigase Buffer    200ul
    • Aliquot 235.6ul per well in a strip tube and use multi-channel pipet to pipet 19ul to each tube in a 96-well plate prior to adding 1ul of template into each

Probe+Template+Buffer Mix[edit]

  • Add 2.00ul of 10x AmpLigase buffer to all rxn's
  • Overlay with 40ul mineral oil (can centrifuge in order for oil and solution to separate)
  • Thermocycler: 95C 8min -> cool down to 60C at 0.02C/sec -> Incubate 60C 18hr
  • Note: Today, I'll be using a 96 well plate in order to do capture with the following format:
     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9     10     11     12
A    ---------------------------------1------------------------------------
B                                     |
C                                     V
D    A1    A2    A3    B1    B2    B3    A1    A2    A3    B1     B2     B3
E                                     |
F                                     |
G                                     V
H    ---------------------------------8-------------------------------------