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Skin Microbiom Project[edit]

  • Sequencing libraries: NP-SkinMB_N2_Ind17-88_Feb07.2013
  • Chris selected the top 20 libraries from analysis he did on light sequencing from the previous run (HL144, HL145) for Hiseq run.
  • I pooled equimolar of these libraries (~100ng/library) and do PAGE size-selection (300-600bp) as I did in the previous pool.
Index Well ID Conc. (ng/ul) Volume for 100ng (ul)
24 H3 8.37 11.95
34 B5 29.56 3.38
36 D5 30.58 3.27
37 E5 29.43 3.40
44 D6 13.98 7.15
48 H6 4.43 22.57
54 F7 16.68 6.00
55 G7 13.04 7.67
56 H7 9.28 10.78
58 B8 9.28 10.78
59 C8 10.88 9.19
66 B9 7.70 12.99
73 A10 4.78 20.92
74 B10 10.83 9.23
76 D10 13.33 7.50
78 F10 10.81 9.25
80 H10 6.92 14.45
84 D11 12.25 8.16
86 F11 11.91 8.40
88 H11 9.89 10.11
  • Library ID : CW-SkinMB-20SAG-Mar20. Run in HiSeq PE 100bp lane 4 (Alan did qubit quantification).
  • Chris or Jeff will take care of data analysis