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  print the last field of each line
  print the last field of each line
  awk '{ print $NF }' file > output
  awk '{ print $NF }' file > output
print a certain field to the last field
awk '{substr($0, index($0,$3))}'
this command to print out column #3 to the last field ($0=the whole line)
  substitute specific field
  substitute specific field
  awk -F'delimiter' -vOFS='delimiter' '{sub("to_be_replaced", "replaced_with", field_to_be_replaced); print}'
  awk -F'delimiter' -vOFS='delimiter' '{sub("to_be_replaced", "replaced_with", field_to_be_replaced); print}'
  Example: to replace : sign in column1 with tab
  Example: to replace : sign in column1 with tab
  awk -F'\t' -vOFS='\t' '{ gsub(":", "\t", $1); print }'
  awk -F'\t' -vOFS='\t' '{ gsub(":", "\t", $1); print }'
awk command to do matching or searching of string or word "ONLY"


Latest revision as of 22:23, 26 June 2013

Link to calendar:[[1]]
Some oligos info.

  • DpnII_oligo_v4: 5'-ATGCGTATCCGATC-3'

Install R packages: install.packages("package_name")
SNP 134 data base : on genome-miner: /media/Ext4T/GenomeDB/HsGenome/snp134_snv.txt
genemapster address:
meangenemachine address: nplongth@

General unix commands
print the last field of each line
awk '{ print $NF }' file > output

print a certain field to the last field
awk '{substr($0, index($0,$3))}'
this command to print out column #3 to the last field ($0=the whole line)

substitute specific field
awk -F'delimiter' -vOFS='delimiter' '{sub("to_be_replaced", "replaced_with", field_to_be_replaced); print}'
Example: to replace : sign in column1 with tab
awk -F'\t' -vOFS='\t' '{ gsub(":", "\t", $1); print }'

awk command to do matching or searching of string or word "ONLY" 


  • New triton account ssh (May 2013)
Also change job file: #PBS -A k4zhang-group
To submit job file: qsub -q home-k4zhang job_name
  • checkjob -v jobid = job diagnosis
  • gbalance -p zhang-lab = check credit balance of zhang-lab


  • Kill job by user ID
kill PID

R plotting

  • Set margin on bottom, left, top, and right of the plot
op <- par(mar=c(6, 6, 4, 2) + 0.1) the number could be optimized
  • Multiple plots on the same axis
plot(x, y1, ylim=range(c(y1,y2)))
plot(x, y2, ylim=range(c(y1,y2)), axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "")
  • Example of histogram plot, set log scale on Y-axis --> the plot does'n look really nice. Using gap.plot is much better and the scale look more real.
h <- hist(B, breaks=2000, plot=FALSE)
pdf("SNP-CpG_distance_all_CpG.mQTL_log.pdf",height=7.5, width=10)
plot(h$mids, h$counts, log="y", type='h',main="all CpG mQTL", col="#104E8B",lwd=4, ylab="Frequency", xlab="Distance between SNPs and CpG sites (kb)", cex.lab=1.5)
axis(side = 1, at = seq(0,2000,250))
R:Data structure:
R: Graphic parameters, text & symbol size, plotting symbols, lines, colors, fonts, margins and graph size:
R: color chart:
Multiple testing correction: MultipleTestCorrection_Agilent

BEDtools and Table browser (to get annotated file)

Group: Genes and Gene Prediction Tracks
Track: RefSeq Genes
Table: RefGenes