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=== 2. NucleoSpin® Plasma XS kit ===
=== 2. NucleoSpin® Plasma XS kit ===
'''Product specifications'''
Starting material:    Up to 240 μL EDTA plasma
Elution volume:      5–30 μL
Average yield:        0.1–100 ng per mL plasma
DNA yield from human plasma: DNA amounts from less than 0.1 ng DNA per mL of plasma up to several 100 ng DNA per mL of plasma have been reported
== Bead-based methods ==
== Bead-based methods ==
=== 3. ChargeSwitch® gDNA 1 ml Serum kit ===
=== 3. ChargeSwitch® gDNA 1 ml Serum kit ===

Revision as of 03:20, 2 March 2014

MONOD test on human plasma/serum

  • Note from Dr. Zhang
" We will get some human plasma and serum from cancer center for the MONOD project. This would be different from all the BSPP experiments we did before, as we are dealing with circulating cell-free DNA from human patients.
One major challenge is to recover enough DNA for BSPP, as the yield of DNA extraction from plasma/serum is very low in general, and seems to be quite variable depending on the DNA extraction kits (we don’t want whole blood or buffy coats as they contain mostly white blood cells).
We will received a set of four tubes of plasma from one individual, and another four tubes of serum from another. Each tube has roughly 200ul of biofluid.
I’ve ordered four kits (QIAamp blood mini, Lifetech ChargeSwitch, Clontech Nucleospin, ZymoBead). Our first step is to determine the yields with these kits, and for the bead-based kits, to try direct bisulfite conversion of DNA on the beads without washing and elution.
Please keep track of the kits when they arrive, and write up an experimental protocol based on the manuals of these kits. The materials are precious so please confirm the plan with me before processing the samples. We will do picogreen quantification and Bioanalyzer analysis to determine the yield and size distribution (cell-free DNA are fragmented in general). We can move forward with BSPP if there is enough material.
We will received a set of four tubes of plasma from one individual, and another four tubes of serum from another. Each tube has roughly 200ul of biofluid ".
Kit Vendor Catalog # Protocol Note
QIAamp DNA Blood Mini Kit (50) QIAGEN 51104 QIAamp Blood Mini Kit Manual Column-based method, page 26-28
ChargeSwitch® gDNA Serum Kit, 0.2-1 mL Life Technologies CS11040 ChargeSwitch® gDNA Serum Kit Manual Bead-based method
NucleoSpin® Plasma XS Fisher Scientific/Marcherey Nagel NC9959409 NucleoSpin® Plasma XS kit manual Column-based method, Estimeted delivert date: 2014-03-14
ZymoBead™ Genomic DNA Kit Zymo Research D3004 ZymoBead™ Genomic DNA Kit manual Bead-based method

Experimental plan

  • I will confirm with Dr. Zhang about the volume of serum/plasma to use for each kit since each one uses different volume. Shall I used recommended volume of each kit and then compare the yield to normalized input?

Column-based methods

1. QIAamp DNA Blood Mini Kit

- Resuspend lyophilized QIAGEN Protease with 1.2 ml protease solvent.
- Use carrier DNA (e.g., poly dA, poly dT, poly dA:dT) when the sample is low-copy (i.e., when <10,000 copies are present)
Starting material:    200ul for blood, plasma, serum or buffy coat 


  1. Pipet 20 µl QIAGEN Protease (or proteinase K) into the bottom of a 1.5 ml tube
  2. Add 200 µl sample to the tube. If the volume of sample less than 200ul, adjust volume with PBS
  3. Add 200 µl Buffer AL to the sample. Mix by pulse-vortexing for 15 s
  4. Incubate at 56°C for 10 min
  5. Briefly spin down the tube before adding 200ul 100% EtOH. Mix again by pulse-vortexing for 15 s and briefly spin down
  6. Transfer spnt to QIAamp Mini spin column & centrifuge at 6,000xg for 1 min
  7. Transfer QIAamp Mini spin column in a clean 2 ml collection tube
  8. Add 500 µl Buffer AW1 & centrifuge at 6,000xg for 1 min
  9. Transfer QIAamp Mini spin column in a clean 2 ml collection tube
  10. Add 500 µl Buffer AW2 & centrifuge at 20,000xg for 3min
  11. Transfer the QIAamp Mini spin column in a new 2 ml collection tube and centrifuge at 20,000xg for 1 min (full speed)
  12. Place the QIAamp Mini spin column in a clean 1.5 ml tube & add appropriate volume of Buffer AE or distilled water (manual recommends 200ul).
  13. Incubate at RT for 5 min & centrifuge at 6,000xg for 1 min

2. NucleoSpin® Plasma XS kit

Product specifications
Starting material:    Up to 240 μL EDTA plasma 
Elution volume:       5–30 μL
Average yield:        0.1–100 ng per mL plasma
DNA yield from human plasma: DNA amounts from less than 0.1 ng DNA per mL of plasma up to several 100 ng DNA per mL of plasma have been reported

Bead-based methods

3. ChargeSwitch® gDNA 1 ml Serum kit

- Upon receipt, store proteinase K at 4C
Product Specifications
Starting Material:    0.2-1 ml of fresh or frozen human serum, with or without EDTA
Elution Volume:       50 μl
DNA Yield:            1-200 ng
DNA Size:             50 bp-1.5 kb

4. ZymoBead™ Genomic DNA kit