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   [[File:HOTSPOTS_56.1to56.9capture.bmp | 600px]]
   [[File:HOTSPOTS_56.1to56.9capture.bmp | 600px]]
* gel image: loaded 10 uL in first 3 lanes, and 5 uL in last 3 lanes
* gel image: loaded 10 uL in first 3 lanes, and 5 uL in last 3 lanes
** I always get multiple bands. The top & clearest band is between 500-600bp. The expected band should be 471 bp, so that should be within the smear in between 400 and 500 bp. Since I did not run this gel for long enough, I could not see a clear separation for the 471 bp band. Capture at 56.1 degC produce the topmost band, whereas before with 55 degC, I was not able to see bands larger than 400bp. However, 56.4 appears to be the best annealing temperature.
** I always get multiple bands. The top & clearest band is between 500-600bp. The expected band should be 471 bp, so that should be within the smear in between 400 and 500 bp. Since I did not run this gel for long enough, I could not see a clear separation for the 471 bp band. Capture at 56.1 degC produce the topmost band, whereas before with 55 degC, I was not able to see bands larger than 400bp. 56.4 degC appears to be the best annealing temperature.
   [[File:HOTSPOTS_56.1to56.9capture_PCR.jpg | 300px]]
   [[File:HOTSPOTS_56.1to56.9capture_PCR.jpg | 300px]]

Revision as of 19:23, 4 April 2014

HOTSPOTS 460K Capture

Capture calculations

Size of Probes 90000 units
gDNA 150 ng
Human (MW) 1.82E+012 g/moles
1 Probe (MW) 31360.1 g/moles
Template 8.23E-011 nmoles
Probes(100:1) 8.23E-009 nmoles
Amount Probes needed 23.23 ng
Size of Probes 6553 units
gDNA 150 ng
Human (MW) 1.82E+012 g/moles
1 Probe (MW) 31360.1 g/moles
Template 8.23E-011 nmoles
Probes(100:1) 8.23E-009 nmoles
Amount Probes needed 1.69 ng
 Human MW = (3x109 bp)*(607.4 gmoles-1/bp) + 157.9 gmoles-1
 1 probe MW = (103 bp)*(303.7 gmoles-1)+ 79 gmoles-1
 Amount probes = (1 probe MW) * (Size of probes) * (Moles of probes required)

Prepared probes

  • After each probes prep. I pool all the prepared probes together by subset to quantify.
  • As of 04/04/2014:
Subset Dilution QUBIT(ng/mL) Conc(ng/uL)
A 100 107 10.7
B 100 71.2 7.12
C 100 86.1 8.61
D 100 150 15
E 100 85.1 8.51
F 100 53.5 5.35

Test capture - 4 reactions

Pool subset probes for 4 reactions

Subset Dilution QUBIT(ng/mL) Conc(ng/uL) Volume(uL) Amount for 4.5 capture (ng) Subset Size
A 100 81.2 8.12 12.88 104.55 90000
B 100 46.4 4.64 22.53 104.55 90000
C 100 84.8 8.48 12.33 104.55 90000
D 100 113 11.3 9.25 104.55 90000
E 100 84.7 8.47 12.34 104.55 90000
F 100 97.4 9.74 0.78 7.61 6553
  • Pool probes for 4.5 captures and aliquot 15.58 uL per capture.

Capture setup

  • I used up all the bisulfite converted gDNA because the converted DNA cannot be kept for long period of times.
Tube ID Converted sample Amount sample (ng) Volume sample (uL) Volume probes (uL) Volume of 10x ampligase buffer Volume water (uL) Total volume
1. 54 Ctrl H1 p54 Control TeSR 193.90 7.00 16.00 3.00 4.00 30
2. Act H1 p54 Activin-A 362.00 10.00 16.00 3.00 1.00 30
3. 47 Ctrl H1 p47 Control TeSR 144.95 6.50 16.00 3.00 4.50 30
4. Bmp H1 p47 BMP-4 205.60 8.00 16.00 3.00 3.00 30

Capture program

1. 95°C    30s
2. 94.8°C  30s
-0.2°C per 30s 198 times
3. 55°C    20h 
ADD 2.5 uL SLN mix
4. 55°C    19.5h
5. 94°C    2m
ADD 2.0 uL ExoI/ExoIII mix
6. 37°C    2h
7. 90°C    5m
8. 4°C     forever

Capture PCR

  • Amplified 4 uL in 25 uL reaction using KAPA 2xMM with AmpR6.3Ind17
 REAGENT                1x        5.5x
 Capture template     4.00 uL    --
 10 uM AmpF6.4Sol     0.50 uL   2.75 uL
 10 uM AmpF6.3RInd17  0.50 uL   2.75 uL
 2xKAPA Master Mix   12.50 uL  68.75 uL
 Nuclease free H2O    7.50 uL  41.25 uL
  • TBE Gel:
 File:HOTSPOTS capture1 test.jpg

Test capture subset A

Capture setup

Tube ID Converted sample Amount sample (ng) Volume sample (uL) Volume probes (uL) Volume of 10x ampligase buffer Volume water (uL) Total volume
GM-A-1-55 GM12878 150.0 2.400 6.00 2.00 9.60 20.00
GM-A-5-56.4 GM12878 150.0 2.400 6.00 2.00 9.60 20.00
GM-A-8-58.8 GM12878 150.0 2.400 6.00 2.00 9.60 20.00
GM-A-12-60 GM12878 150.0 2.400 6.00 2.00 9.60 20.00

Capture program

1. 95°C    30s
2. 94.8°C  30s
-0.2°C per 30s 174 times -> 60°C
3. Gradient: 55/56.4/58.8/60 °C    20h 
ADD 2.5 uL SLN mix
4. Gradient: 55/56.4/58.8/60 °C    20h 
5. 94°C    2m
ADD 2.0 uL ExoI/ExoIII mix
6. 37°C    2h
7. 90°C    5m
8. 4°C     forever

Capture PCR

  • 4 uL of capture was used to amplify. Two step PCR with 8 cycles first step, and 10 cycles second step = 18 cycles of PCR total for all samples.
  • TBE Gel:
File:HOTSPOTS captureA test.jpg
File:HOTSPOTS captureA test repeat.job
Gel might be slightly shifted or 471 bp calculation is wrong? The expected band seems to be greater than 500bp. 
The best annealing temperature appears to be 56.4 degC. This temperature should apply to all the subsets since the probes were randomly assigned to subsets.
  • Will try capture subset B, C, D, E, and F at 56.4 degC. Also, I will amplify 19 or 20 cycles to hopefully increase yield of capture amplicons.

Test capture for A,B,C,D,E,F at 56.4 degC

Capture setup

Tube ID Converted sample Amount sample (ng) Volume sample (uL) Volume probes (uL) Volume of 10x ampligase buffer Volume water (uL) Total volume
GM-A-56.4 GM12878 150.0 2.4 6.00 2.00 9.60 20.00
GM-B-56.4 GM12878 150.0 2.4 10.00 2.00 5.60 20.00
GM-C-56.4 GM12878 150.0 2.4 6.00 2.00 9.60 20.00
GM-D-56.4 GM12878 150.0 2.4 4.00 2.00 11.60 20.00
GM-E-56.4 GM12878 150.0 2.4 6.00 2.00 9.60 20.00
GM-F-56.4 GM12878 150.0 2.4 0.50 2.00 15.10 20.00

Capture program

1. 95°C    30s
2. 94.8°C  30s
-0.2°C per 30s 174 times -> 60°C
3. 56.4°C    20h 
ADD 2.5 uL SLN mix
4. 56.4°C    20h 
5. 94°C    2m
ADD 2.0 uL ExoI/ExoIII mix & 10 uL water
6. 37°C    2h
7. 90°C    5m
8. 4°C     forever

Capture PCR

  • TBE Gel for capture at 56.4 (sample conditions), amplified 4 uL for 20 cycles.
File:HOTSPOTS captureA E newTemp.jpg
  • It is still unclear if the expected product was formed. There is a band slightly above 400 bp and another band slightly above 500bp.
  • B,E appears to perform the best (highest concentration of probes)
  • qPCR plot
 File:HOTSPOTS capturePCR A-E.bmp
  • Repeat PCR on A,C,D,and F for 21 cycles, and re-do gel with 8 ul loaded this time. I can now see the band at 471 (below 500bp and above 400bp). However, the capture is still inefficient. There are several ways to improve it, first, I can increase the amount of samples because here I've only used 150 ng while Noi usually use 200 ng. I can try with 300 ng. Also, F capture did not work because I either didn't amplify enough or need to use more probes. It appears that the quality of the individual subsets do vary substantially, but I'm not sure if this variation would be consistent across multiple captures. Also, even though annealing temperature 56.4 degC worked here, I wonder if there is a difference between 56, 56.4, and 56.8, so I might try to repeat using subset A at those temperatures.
 File:HOTSPOTS capture56.4PCR repeat

Test capture 56-57°C, 300 ng template, subset C only

  • Noi performed bisulfite conversion for GM12878, concentration by Qubit is 31.1ng/uL.
  • I used subset C here, which had the poorest efficiency from capture at 56.4 degC. I repeat the capture here for C because I did not expect subset C to perform worse than A,B,D, and E because the probes were randomly assigned to subsets. At least if I can find the proper annealing temperature for C, then it should also work fine for A,B,D, and E.

Capture setup

Tube ID Converted sample Amount sample (ng) Volume sample (uL) Volume probes (uL) Volume of 10x ampligase buffer Volume water (uL) Total volume
N-GM-C-3-56.1 GM12878 300.0 9.65 5.48 2.00 2.87 20.00
N-GM-C-6-56.4 GM12878 300.0 9.65 5.48 2.00 2.87 20.00
N-GM-C-9-56.9 GM12878 300.0 9.65 5.48 2.00 2.87 20.00

Capture program

1. 95°C    30s
2. 94.8°C  30s
-0.2°C per 30s 174 times -> 60°C
3. Gradient: 56.1/56.4/56.9 °C    20h 
ADD 2.5 uL SLN mix
4. Gradient: 56.1/56.4/56.9 °C    20h 
5. 94°C    2m
ADD 2.0 uL ExoI/ExoIII mix, add 10 uL water
6. 37°C    2h
7. 90°C    5m
8. 4°C     forever

Capture PCR

  • Amplified 4 uL for 21 (8 + 13) cycles as test PCR.
  • qPCR plot
 File:HOTSPOTS 56.1to56.9capture.bmp
  • gel image: loaded 10 uL in first 3 lanes, and 5 uL in last 3 lanes
    • I always get multiple bands. The top & clearest band is between 500-600bp. The expected band should be 471 bp, so that should be within the smear in between 400 and 500 bp. Since I did not run this gel for long enough, I could not see a clear separation for the 471 bp band. Capture at 56.1 degC produce the topmost band, whereas before with 55 degC, I was not able to see bands larger than 400bp. 56.4 degC appears to be the best annealing temperature.
 File:HOTSPOTS 56.1to56.9capture PCR.jpg