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===qPCR Results===
===qPCR Results===

===Nanodrop Results===
===Nanodrop Results===

Revision as of 01:28, 24 July 2013

S2 Probe Preparation (Started 7/22/2013)

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DpnII Digestion (from 7/22/2013)

3. Pool samples for V4 set into 4AB and 4CD
4. Column Purification, elute with 30 uL EB**
5. Pooled 4AB and 4CD into V4S2 and pooled V6 sets into V6AB and V6CD
6. Measure concentrations in nanodrop

Note (**): Forgot to move the columns to fresh tubes before elution. Caught myself just as the centrifuge started, so I stopped it immediately, before it even got to full speed. Still, this resulted in me losing most of the samples (I also threw away the collection tubes before proceeding to the fresh collection tube).

Nanodrop Results

Sample V4S2 V6S2AB V6S2CD
ng/uL 142.9 32.8 34.9
ug in 20 uL 2.9 0.7 0.7
total ug     1.4

DpnII Digest gel

1. Lanes; (5.5 uL TBE; 2 uL 6x buffer, 0.5 uL sample; load 7 uL for all)

Lane 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Sample 25bp ladder V4S2 V6S2AB V4S2CD

Gel Image

File:DpnIIDigest 72313.jpg


Since I botched this probe prep, I may have to start over. I still have to digest with lambda exonuclease, which is going to drop my concentrations by 50% regardless. This would mean I'd likely have <1 ug for both V4S2 and V6S2 prior to dye coupling. It's just not worth it. I'm going to store these probes, and the next time I make a S2 set I'll add the probes in post DpnII digestion.

Column Loading Trial

I talked with Noi about why we always do an ethanol precipitation after PCR, because we do a column prep anyway. As far as we can tell, the ethanol precipitation condenses the volume so that we don't have to use a lot of columns. I think, however, that we can load the column several times and get the same result. To test this, I'm going to run the same amount of DNA on two different columns. I'll load one once (haploid) and one twice (diploid). For this I'm going to use the AmpF probes that Noi gave me (~50 bp, 1392.5 ng/uL).

1. Add 100 uL nfH2O to hap and 200 uL nfH20 to dip
2. Add 2 uL AmpF to each (~3 ug)
3. Add 600 uL PB to hap and 1200 uL PB (requires 2x spins)
4. Elute with 40 uL PB
5. Measure with Nanodrop

Nanodrop Results

  ng/uL ug in 40 uL Yield %
Haploid 12.8 0.5 17.1
Diploid 11.1 0.4 14.8


Although n is only equal to 1, it looks as though multiple loading the column is no problem. This will save on time, as the ethanol precipitation used up at least 4 hours incubation (probably overnight is better) as well as an hour or so centrifugation. I'm going to try skipping the ethanol precipitation post-PCR and going straight to the columns.

S2 Probe Prep

I'm going to retry the S2 probe prep.

1. Reaction Table
  20 nM OligoPool 2X Kapa SYBR qPCR MM 100 uM AP1V41U 100 uM AP2V4 100 uM AP1V61U 100 uM AP2V6 2 mM aa-dUTP H20 Total Volume
per rxn 0.2 50 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 2.5 45.7 100
V4S2 (12.5x) 2.5 625 5 5 0 0 31 581.5 1250
V6S2 (12.5x) 2.5 625 0 0 5 5 31 581.5 1250
2. Aliquot 100 uL into each of 12 qPCR tubes 
3. PCR protocol:
    i. PCR 3 min 95C
    ii. 95C 3 sec
    iii. 55C 30 sec 
    iv. 72C 20 sec
    v. plate read
    vi. goto ii x17
    vii. 72C 2 min
    viii. 16C hold
4. Pooled 3 samples together each (300 uL each, 4 pools per set, 8 total)
5. Column Purification, elute with 40 uL EB
6. Measure concentrations in nanodrop

qPCR Results


Nanodrop Results