Blue:RNA-Seq Experiments:07252013: Difference between revisions

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Line 152: Line 152:
|10mM dNTP Mix||||||||||1ul||||||||||1ul
|10mM dNTP Mix||||||||||1ul||||||||||1ul
|0.1uM T20V.ID||||||||||1ul||||||||||1ul
|0.2uM T20V.ID||||||||||1ul||||||||||1ul

:::''Incubate @ 70C 3 min''
:::''Incubate @ 65C 3 min''
:::''Transfer to Ice''
:::''Transfer to Ice''

Line 188: Line 190:
::#Add 15ul beads per well
::#Add 15ul beads per well
::#Allow to bind 15 min
::#Allow to bind 15 min
::#Combine all wells
::#Combine all odd or even column wells
::#Remove supernatant and wash 2x with 1ml 80% EtOH
::#Remove supernatant and wash 2x with 1ml 80% EtOH
::#Air Dry 10min or until cracking first occurs
::#Air Dry 10min or until cracking first occurs
::#Resuspend beads in 20ul dH2O, incubate 2min, transfer to new tube
::#Resuspend beads in 20ul dH2O, incubate 2min, transfer to new tube
::#Vacuspin room temperature for 10+min to bring volume to 6ul
::#Vacuspin room temperature for 10+min to bring volume to 6ul
:'''TSO (x2)'''
::{| {{table}}
|Purified cDNA||||||||||3ul
|5x RT buffer [MMLV]||||||||||2ul
|10mM dNTP mix||||||||||1ul
|100mM DTT||||||||||0.25ul
|10uM TSO.r04||||||||||1ul
|Betaine (5M)||||||||||2ul
|RNase Inhibitor||||||||||0.25ul
|Smarter MMLV||||||||||0.5ul

Revision as of 23:36, 24 July 2013

RNA-Seq Library Information

Library ID Samples Input RNA TSO Primer Bar Code Primers Bar Code Primer 2 Seq Primer Type of Seq Reads Library Conc
BL_mNPC_SingleCell_0725 mNPC Single cell TSO.R04 T20V.id1-96 totoRNAseq Read 1 plus N2 barcode read
mNPC 5-10 cells
UHRR 10pg

Plate Layout: Samples and Indexes

' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
A Sc(1) Sc(9) Sc(17) Sc(25) Sc(33) Sc(41) Sc(49) Sc(57) Sc(65) Sc(73) Sc(81) Sc(89)
B Sc(2) Sc(10) Sc(18) Sc(26) Sc(34) Sc(42) Sc(50) Sc(58) Sc(66) Sc(74) Sc(82) Sc(90)
C Sc(3) Sc(11) Sc(19) Sc(27) Sc(35) Sc(43) Sc(51) Sc(59) Sc(67) Sc(75) Sc(83) Sc(91)
D Sc(4) Sc(12) Sc(20) Sc(28) Sc(36) Sc(44) Sc(52) Sc(60) Sc(68) Sc(76) Sc(84) Sc(92)
E Sc(5) Sc(13) Sc(21) Sc(29) Sc(37) Sc(45) Sc(53) Sc(61) Sc(69) Sc(77) Sc(85) Sc(93)
F Sc(6) Sc(14) Sc(22) Sc(30) Sc(38) Sc(46) Sc(54) Sc(62) Sc(70) Sc(78) Sc(86) Sc(94)
G Sc(7) Sc(15) Sc(23) Sc(31) Sc(39) Sc(47) Sc(55) Sc(63) Sc(71) Sc(79) Sc(87) Sc(95)
H Sc(8) Sc(16) Sc(24) Sc(32) 5 cell(40) 5 cell(48) 10 cell(56) 10 cell(64) UHRR(72) UHRR(80) Nc(88) Nc(96)

Note: SC=Single cell; UHRR=Universal Human Reference RNA

Cells Sorted 06182013[1]


  • Optimize Single cell totoRNAseq protocol last used on 06142013 (and 06142013b)
  • Reduce T20 primer concentration - try to decrease primer dimers/adaptor only reads
  • Reduce global volume

Library Preparation (totoRNAseq):

RNA 10pg or Single Cells -
2.5x HiMg RT Buffer/Lysis Buffer[2] 2ul
Total 2ul

Incubate @ 72C 3 min
Incubate @ 4C 10min (Centrifuge 1 min during this incubation and add UHRR)
Incubate @ 25C 1min
Incubate @ 94C 2 min
Transfer to ice

End Repair
Odd Wells Even Wells
fRNA 2ul 2ul
1mM ATP 0.5ul 0.35ul
100mM DTT 0.15ul 0.15ul
Water 1.35ul 0ul
RNase Inhibitor(1:10 or 4U/ul) 0.5ul 0.1ul (undil)
PNK 0.5ul 0.4ul
Total 5ul 3ul

Incubate @ 37C 30 min

3' Tailing
Odd Wells Even Wells
PNK_fRNA 5ul 3ul
1mM ATP 0.5ul 0.5ul
0.5U/ul PAP (1:10d in H2O) 0.5ul 0.5ul

Incubate @ 37C 5 min
Transfer to Ice

Reverse Transcription
Odd Wells Even Wells
PAP RNA 6ul 4ul
10mM dNTP Mix 1ul 1ul
dH2O 1ul 0ul
0.2uM T20V.ID 1ul 1ul

Incubate @ 65C 3 min
Transfer to Ice

Odd Wells Even Wells
5xRT Buffer 2ul 1ul
100mM DTT 0.25ul 0.17ul
Betaine (5M) 3ul 2ul
RNase Inhibitor (40U/ul) 0.25ul 0.33ul
Smarter MMLV (200U/ul) 0.5ul 0.5ul Total 15ul 10ul

Incubate @ 42C 30 min

Beads Purification
  1. Add 15ul beads per well
  2. Allow to bind 15 min
  3. Combine all odd or even column wells
  4. Remove supernatant and wash 2x with 1ml 80% EtOH
  5. Air Dry 10min or until cracking first occurs
  6. Resuspend beads in 20ul dH2O, incubate 2min, transfer to new tube
  7. Vacuspin room temperature for 10+min to bring volume to 6ul

TSO (x2)

Purified cDNA 3ul
5x RT buffer [MMLV] 2ul
10mM dNTP mix 1ul
100mM DTT 0.25ul
10uM TSO.r04 1ul
Betaine (5M) 2ul
RNase Inhibitor 0.25ul
Smarter MMLV 0.5ul
Total 10ul