Dinh:Protocols/Probes Prep Nov24: Difference between revisions

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However, for this run, amplification slope started at cycle 15 and plateaued also at cycle 23. Concluded that other program used was better suited for this probe set.
However, for this run, amplification slope started at cycle 15 and plateaued also at cycle 23. Concluded that other program used was better suited for this probe set.

==Step 2: Ethanol Precipitation==
Performed as in previous protocols using 8x15ml tubes.
Purification table
==Step 3: Lambda Exonuclease==
130ul sample, 15ul 10x lambda exonuclease buffer, 5ul lambda exonuclease. 8 reactions.
{| {{table}} border = "1"
==Step 4: QiaQuick Purification==
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|
Performed as in previous protocols. All reactions were first pooled and 150 ul was aliquoted to 7 tubes containing 750ul buffer PE.
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Step'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Volume (ul)'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Purity'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Conc. (ng/ul)'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''ssDNA (ng)'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''% Recovery'''
| 1||After first EtOH ppt||1020||9.41||103||105060||
| 2||After lambda exon||1103||0.92||55.25||60941||58.01%
| 3||After qiaquick||420||2.63||83.42||35035||57.49%
| 4||After USER &DpnII||596||0.7||50.9||26522(*)||75.70%
| 5||After size selection & Nanosep||4047||0.13||0.33||1315||4.96%
| 6||After final EtOH ppt||20||202.350||23.48||470||35.70%
# Purification factor: previous step volume/current step volume
# % Recovery: previous step mass/current step mass
# (*)Subtracted mass of oligo added: 100nM*4238g/moles*1/1000*3ul/rxn*9rxns = 3800ng

Revision as of 23:17, 7 December 2009

November 24, 2009

KAPA SYBR FAST qPCR Kit Master Mix (2x) Universal

ideally suited for gene expression analysis
low copy gene detection
microarray validation
gene knockdown validation
novel enzyme in kit enhances the amplification efficiency of both high
 GC and AT templates


protect kit components from light
always ensure that the product has been fully thawed and mixed before use
do not exceed 25 ul reaction volumes
do not exceed 20ng template DNA per 24 ul reaction volume
Chromo4 RT Detector does not require ROX Reference dye


To use KAPA qPCR kit on CpG30K probes set, using reaction volume of
 25ul and 100ul
To practice QUBIT DNA quantification
To create a probes preparation/purification table

Previous methods to quantify probes concentration at each purification steps included Nanodrop and PAGE quantification. However, Nanodrop quantification is inaccurate after ethanol precipitation. The drawback to PAGE quantification is that it cannot determine the total DNA concentration. I will use QUBIT and PAGE to determine the efficiency of each probes preparation step.

November 25, 2009

Step 1: PCR Amplification

Reaction Mix (100ul reaction volume):

Reagent Final Conc. Vol (1x) Vol (8x) Vol (100x)
ddH20 49.4ul 395ul 4940ul
2x KAPA qPCR Master Mix 1x 50ul 400ul 5000ul
AP1V4IU (100uM) 0.3uM 0.3ul 2.4ul 30ul
AP2V4 (100uM) 0.3uM 0.3ul 2.4ul 30ul
Template CpG30k (20nM) 33pg 0.05ul 0.4ul 5ul
Total 100.05ul 800.4ul 10005ul


94C - 30 s
94C - 3 s
60C - 30 s
Plate Read
Cycle to 2 for 29 more times
72C - 5 min
15C - forever


Place KAPA 2x qPCR MM on ice.
Add ddH20, primers, and template to 15ml tube (RNAase/DNAase free). Vortex & leave on ice for 2-3 min
Prepare strip tubes on cooling rack
Add KAPA 2x MM & vortex, shake down reagents, then pour into 55ml solution basin
Use multichannel p-100 pipettor. Pipette 101ul to each tube. For last row, use p-200 to pipette 101ul to each tube.
Place caps on strip tubes
Spin pairs of strip tubes for 5-10 s to remove bubbles
Prepare new run on Chromo4 RT-PCR machine, let it get to 94 C
Pause program, place tubes in machine, and resume run

3. Stopped at 19 cycles.


8x reaction mix was prepared as test run. 100ul was aliquoted to 6 tubes and amplified using RT-PCR for 26 cycles (over-amplified), amplification slope started at cycle 13 and plateaued at cycle 25. For the rest of the reaction mix, 25ul was aliquoted to 8 tubes. Only 4 tubes were amplified using the the same program for 26 cycles (over-amplified), amplification sloped started also at cycle 13 and plateaued at cycle 25. Concluded no difference between 25ul and 100ul reaction volumes.

The leftover 4 tubes of 25ul reaction volume was used in another run:


95C - 30 s
95C - 3 s
60C - 30 s
72C - 3 s
Plate Read
Cycle to 2 for 29 more times
72C - 5 min
15C - forever
Recommended by KAPA qPCR manual: 95C denaturation (initital & in cycle), and 72C during plate read. 

However, for this run, amplification slope started at cycle 15 and plateaued also at cycle 23. Concluded that other program used was better suited for this probe set.

Step 2: Ethanol Precipitation

Performed as in previous protocols using 8x15ml tubes.

Step 3: Lambda Exonuclease

130ul sample, 15ul 10x lambda exonuclease buffer, 5ul lambda exonuclease. 8 reactions.

Step 4: QiaQuick Purification

Performed as in previous protocols. All reactions were first pooled and 150 ul was aliquoted to 7 tubes containing 750ul buffer PE.