Blue:RNA-Seq Experiments:07102013: Difference between revisions

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Sc=Single mouse NPC; (#)=Indx
Sc=Single mouse NPC E12.5 (PI stained and selecting for PI neg); (#)=Indx

Revision as of 23:42, 25 July 2013

1.1. Purpose

  • Sort single mouse NPCs (Y. Yung from J. Chun Lab) per well for totoRNAseq analysis

5x HiMg RT buffer:

' Stock Final (5x) Vol for 1 ml
Tris-HCl pH8.3 1M 250mM 250ul
KCl 1M 375mM 375ul
MgCl2 1M 60mM 60ul
dH2O 315ul

RT Sort Buffer:

Component Volume
5xRT Buffer 500ul
10% Triton-X100 10ul
40U/ul Rnase Inhibitor 25ul
ERCC spike-in RNA (1:10^5) 10ul
Water 455ul
total 1000ul

RNaseIII Sort Buffer:

Component Stock Final (1x) Volume for 1ml
Tris-HCl pH8.3 1M 10mM 10ul
Triton-X100 10% 0.1% 10ul
MgCl2 1M 10mM 10ul
NaCl 2M 60mM 30ul
DTT 0.1M 1mM 10ul
Rnase Inhibitor 40U/ul 1U/ul 25ul
ERCC spike-in RNA 1:10^5 10ul
Water 885ul
total 1000ul

Plate Layout:

' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
A Sc(1) Sc(9) Sc(17) Sc(25) Sc(33) Sc(41) Sc(49) Sc(57) Sc(65) Sc(73) Sc(81) Sc(89)
B Sc(2) Sc(10) Sc(18) Sc(26) Sc(34) Sc(42) Sc(50) Sc(58) Sc(66) Sc(74) Sc(82) Sc(90)
C Sc(3) Sc(11) Sc(19) Sc(27) Sc(35) Sc(43) Sc(51) Sc(59) Sc(67) Sc(75) Sc(83) Sc(91)
D Sc(4) Sc(12) Sc(20) Sc(28) Sc(36) Sc(44) Sc(52) Sc(60) Sc(68) Sc(76) Sc(84) Sc(92)
E Sc(5) Sc(13) Sc(21) Sc(29) Sc(37) Sc(45) Sc(53) Sc(61) Sc(69) Sc(77) Sc(85) Sc(93)
F Sc(6) Sc(14) Sc(22) Sc(30) Sc(38) Sc(46) Sc(54) Sc(62) Sc(70) Sc(78) Sc(86) Sc(94)
G Sc(7) Sc(15) Sc(23) Sc(31) Sc(39) Sc(47) Sc(55) Sc(63) Sc(71) Sc(79) Sc(87) Sc(95)
H Sc(8) Sc(16) Sc(24) Sc(32) 5cell(40) 5cell(48) 10cell(56) 10cell(64) Blank(72) Blank(80) Blank(88) Blank(96)

Sc=Single mouse NPC E12.5 (PI stained and selecting for PI neg); (#)=Indx