Matt:LabNotes/2014-7-30: Difference between revisions

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This is because all distributed GATK resources are sorted in karyotypic order, and your processing will fail when you need to use these files.
This is because all distributed GATK resources are sorted in karyotypic order, and your processing will fail when you need to use these files.
You can use the ReorderSam utility to fix this problem:
You can use the ReorderSam utility to fix this problem:
===Reorder HsGenome19.fa to karyotypic order===
  csplit -f c HsGenome19.fa /'>chr9'/ /'>chr5'/ /'>chr2'/ /'>chr17'/ /'>chr14'/ /'>chr4'/ /'>chr16'/ /'>chr21'/ /'>chrM'/ /'>chr7'/ /'>chr3'/ /'>chr18'/ /'>chr12'/ /'>chrX'/ /'>chr13'/ /'>chr15'/ /'>chr8'/ /'>chr22'/ /'>chr11'/ /'>chr10'/ /'>chr20'/ /'>chr19'/ /'>chr6'/ /'>chr1'/ /'>chrY'/
  cat c24 c03 c11 c06 c02 c23 c10 c17 c01 c20 c19 c13 c15 c05 c16 c07 c04 c12 c22 c21 c08 c18 c14 c25 c09 > HsGenome19_karyorder.fa
{| {{table}}
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Old chr order'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Add /''/'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''csplit output files'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''cat order'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''New chr order'''
| >chr9||/'>chr9'/||c01||c24||chr1
| >chr5||/'>chr5'/||c02||c03||chr2
| >chr2||/'>chr2'/||c03||c11||chr3
| >chr17||/'>chr17'/||c04||c06||chr4
| >chr14||/'>chr14'/||c05||c02||chr5
| >chr4||/'>chr4'/||c06||c23||chr6
| >chr16||/'>chr16'/||c07||c10||chr7
| >chr21||/'>chr21'/||c08||c17||chr8
| >chrM||/'>chrM'/||c09||c01||chr9
| >chr7||/'>chr7'/||c10||c20||chr10
| >chr3||/'>chr3'/||c11||c19||chr11
| >chr18||/'>chr18'/||c12||c13||chr12
| >chr12||/'>chr12'/||c13||c15||chr13
| >chrX||/'>chrX'/||c14||c05||chr14
| >chr13||/'>chr13'/||c15||c16||chr15
| >chr15||/'>chr15'/||c16||c07||chr16
| >chr8||/'>chr8'/||c17||c04||chr17
| >chr22||/'>chr22'/||c18||c12||chr18
| >chr11||/'>chr11'/||c19||c22||chr19
| >chr10||/'>chr10'/||c20||c21||chr20
| >chr20||/'>chr20'/||c21||c08||chr21
| >chr19||/'>chr19'/||c22||c18||chr22
| >chr6||/'>chr6'/||c23||c14||chrX
| >chr1||/'>chr1'/||c24||c25||chrY
| >chrY||/'>chrY'/||c25||c09||chrM

Revision as of 17:48, 1 August 2014


  • Bam input
    • Add Read Groups and coordinate sort
      • Picard.AddOrReplaceReadGroups
 java -Xmx2g -jar /home/kunzhang/softwares/picard-tools-1.79/AddOrReplaceReadGroups.jar INPUT='accepted_hits.bam' OUTPUT='accepted_hits_RanHex.coorsortRG.bam' SORT_ORDER=coordinate RGID='1' RGLB='RTprimer' RGPL='ILLUMINA' RGPU='flowcell-barcode.lane' RGSM='RanHex'
    • Index reference fasta and create sequence dictionary
      • reference fasta index already exists
      • Picard.CreateSequenceDictionary
 java -Xmx2g -jar /home/kunzhang/softwares/picard-tools-1.79/CreateSequenceDictionary.jar REFERENCE=/home/kunzhang/HsGenome/hg19/HsGenome19.fa OUTPUT=/home/mzcai/Genomes/HsGenome19.dict
    • Match order of contigs in Bam file to reference file
      • Picard.ReorderSam
 java -Xmx2g -jar /home/kunzhang/softwares/picard-tools-1.79/ReorderSam.jar INPUT=accepted_hits_RanHex.coorsortRG.bam OUTPUT=accepted_hits_RanHex.coorsortRGreorder.bam REFERENCE=/home/mzcai/Genomes/HsGenome19.fa
    • Index bam file
 samtools index accepted_hits_RanHex.coorsortRGreorder.bam
  • Create sample file: ~/scratch/RanHex_EnrichmRNA/inVitroRTSeq/RNA-SeQC_samples.txt
 Sample ID       Bam File        Notes
 RanHex  /home/mzcai/scratch/RanHex_EnrichmRNA/inVitroRTSeq/tophat_hg19unmask_Indx26_RanHex/accepted_hits_RanHex.coorsortRGreorder.bam   Indx26RanHex
 java -jar /home/kunzhang/softwares/RNA-SeQC_v1.1.7.jar -bwa /home/kunzhang/softwares/bwa-0.7.5a/bwa -BWArRNA /home/mzcai/scratch/RanHex_EnrichmRNA/mart_export_exons_totalrRNA.fa -o /home/mzcai/scratch/RanHex_EnrichmRNA/inVitroRTSeq/RNA-SeQC_output -r /home/mzcai/Genomes/HsGenome19.fa -s /home/mzcai/scratch/RanHex_EnrichmRNA/inVitroRTSeq/RNA-SeQC_samples.txt -singleEnd -t /home/mzcai/LTS/Genomes/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.chr.gtf -ttype 2
 The required transcript_id attribute was not found on line chr1 pseudogene      gene    11869   14412   .       +       .       gene_id "ENSG00000223972"; gene_name "DDX11L1"; gene_source "ensembl_havana"; gene_biotype "pseudogene";

Download resources from broadinstitute

  • ~/Genomes/RNA-SeQCResources
  • Download human rRNA reference file
  • Download GENCODE GTF file
  • Download GENCODE GC definitions file
 java -jar /home/kunzhang/softwares/RNA-SeQC_v1.1.7.jar -bwa /home/kunzhang/softwares/bwa-0.7.5a/ -BWArRNA ~/Genomes/RNA-SeqCResources/human_all_rRNA.fasta -s ~/scratch/RanHex_EnrichmRNA/inVitroRTSeq/RNA-SeQC_samples.txt -t ~/Genomes/RNA-SeqCResources/gencode.v7.annotation.gtf -r ~/Genomes/HsGenome19.fa -o ~/scratch/RanHex_EnrichmRNA/inVitroRTSeq/RNA-SeQC_output/ -strat gc -gc ~/Genomes/RNA-SeqCResources/gencode.v7.gc.txt -singleEnd
 org.broadinstitute.sting.utils.exceptions.UserException$LexicographicallySortedSequenceDictionary: Lexicographically sorted human genome sequence detected in reads.

For safety's sake the GATK requires human contigs in karyotypic order: 1, 2, ..., 10, 11, ..., 20, 21, 22, X, Y with M either leading or trailing these contigs. This is because all distributed GATK resources are sorted in karyotypic order, and your processing will fail when you need to use these files. You can use the ReorderSam utility to fix this problem:

Reorder HsGenome19.fa to karyotypic order

 csplit -f c HsGenome19.fa /'>chr9'/ /'>chr5'/ /'>chr2'/ /'>chr17'/ /'>chr14'/ /'>chr4'/ /'>chr16'/ /'>chr21'/ /'>chrM'/ /'>chr7'/ /'>chr3'/ /'>chr18'/ /'>chr12'/ /'>chrX'/ /'>chr13'/ /'>chr15'/ /'>chr8'/ /'>chr22'/ /'>chr11'/ /'>chr10'/ /'>chr20'/ /'>chr19'/ /'>chr6'/ /'>chr1'/ /'>chrY'/
 cat c24 c03 c11 c06 c02 c23 c10 c17 c01 c20 c19 c13 c15 c05 c16 c07 c04 c12 c22 c21 c08 c18 c14 c25 c09 > HsGenome19_karyorder.fa
Old chr order Add // csplit output files cat order New chr order
>chr9 /'>chr9'/ c01 c24 chr1
>chr5 /'>chr5'/ c02 c03 chr2
>chr2 /'>chr2'/ c03 c11 chr3
>chr17 /'>chr17'/ c04 c06 chr4
>chr14 /'>chr14'/ c05 c02 chr5
>chr4 /'>chr4'/ c06 c23 chr6
>chr16 /'>chr16'/ c07 c10 chr7
>chr21 /'>chr21'/ c08 c17 chr8
>chrM /'>chrM'/ c09 c01 chr9
>chr7 /'>chr7'/ c10 c20 chr10
>chr3 /'>chr3'/ c11 c19 chr11
>chr18 /'>chr18'/ c12 c13 chr12
>chr12 /'>chr12'/ c13 c15 chr13
>chrX /'>chrX'/ c14 c05 chr14
>chr13 /'>chr13'/ c15 c16 chr15
>chr15 /'>chr15'/ c16 c07 chr16
>chr8 /'>chr8'/ c17 c04 chr17
>chr22 /'>chr22'/ c18 c12 chr18
>chr11 /'>chr11'/ c19 c22 chr19
>chr10 /'>chr10'/ c20 c21 chr20
>chr20 /'>chr20'/ c21 c08 chr21
>chr19 /'>chr19'/ c22 c18 chr22
>chr6 /'>chr6'/ c23 c14 chrX
>chr1 /'>chr1'/ c24 c25 chrY
>chrY /'>chrY'/ c25 c09 chrM