Chris:LabNotes/FateMapping/Calendar/2014/2014-9-22: Difference between revisions
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>Cjwei No edit summary |
>Cjwei No edit summary |
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*The resulting probe file after filter by mapping are as follows: | *The resulting probe file after filter by mapping are as follows: | ||
<u>Bisulfite Probes</u> | <u>Bisulfite Probes</u> | ||
[[File:Hg19_2nt_ms_BSPP_20140922.txt.C.only_unique_alignment.txt]] | |||
[[File:Hg19_2nt_ms_BSPP_20140922.txt.W.only_unique_alignment.txt]] | |||
[[File:Hg19_3nt_ms_BSPP_20140922.txt.C.only_unique_alignment.txt]] | |||
[[File:Hg19_3nt_ms_BSPP_20140922.txt.W.only_unique_alignment.txt]] | |||
[[File:Hg19_4nt_ms_BSPP_20140922.txt.C.only_unique_alignment.txt]] | |||
[[File:Hg19_4nt_ms_BSPP_20140922.txt.W.only_unique_alignment.txt]] | |||
<u>Regular Probes</u> | <u>Regular Probes</u> | ||
[[File:Hg19_2nt_ms_20140922.txt.only_unique_alignment.txt]] | |||
[[File:Hg19_3nt_ms_20140922.txt.only_unique_alignment.txt]] | |||
[[File:Hg19_4nt_ms_20140922.txt.only_unique_alignment.txt]] | |||
===Filter by Alignability=== |
Revision as of 21:40, 25 September 2014
Probe Design (filtered bisulfite and regular probes)
- Previously we found that the regular probes designed on 5/12 contained some capture arms that had very low alignability scores (i.e. will map to multiple places in the reference genome). This would consequently cause non-specific binding and may in turn be the cause of the very broad smear we're seeing in the probe capture gels. Because of this, I'll be redesigning the probes and applying a post-ppDesigner quality filtering.
- In addition, after talking with Dr. Zhang, we want to also begin to look at DNA methylation at the same time as microsatellite data in order to obtain both phylogenetic and epigenetic data from each single cell. In order to do this, we'll need to perform bisulfite conversion on single cell DNA and perform probe capture. Consequently, I'll also be making another set of BSPP probes for bisulfite capture of microsatellite sites.
- Because of the bisulfite conversion, all unmethylated C's will turn to U's, which in turn will be represented as T's after amplification. Consequently, when designing probes, we want to avoid the strand containing cytosines
- The final padlock probes designed will fall into one of the following four categories (depending on the availability of space on the chip, we can order some of the following):
1) Bisulfite Padlock Probes (targetting strands that do not contain cytosine) 2) Regular probes (targetting strands that do not contain cytosine) 3) Intersection of BSPP and regular probes targetting strands that do not contain cytosine (for comparison purposes)
- The general procedure is as follows
Change targetFile to contain strands w/o C | V Run ppDesigner | V Filter by Mapping (BSPP probes use strand specific mapping, regular probes map against general hg19 genome) | V Filter by Alignability | V Merge to determine intersection of BSPP and regular probes
Change targetFile to contain strands w/o C
- Each microsatellite target derived from the UCSC genome browser contains the microsatellite subunit sequence along with the number of times that subunit is repeated (ex: 10xAG). However, because we want to run bisulfite conversion prior to probe capture, we want to take into account that unmethylated C's will be converted to U's that would consequently be converted to T's after amplification. Consequently, we want to avoid the strand containing C's in the MS target and use the opposite strand.
- To do this, we use the fact that the MS targets listed in the bed file refer to the Watson (+) strand of DNA in the reference. So, if there is a C in the MS target sequence (ex: 10xAC), we want to choose the Crick strand (-). If there is a G in the MS target sequence (ex: 10xAG), we want to choose the Watson strand (+). If there are neither C or G in the MS target, we can allow ppDesigner to choose the strand, and if there are both C and G in the MS target, we have to throw out the target altogether.
- To accomplish this, I wrote a perl script <File:Cw 2014-09-22 Microsat filter all.txt> that takes in the bed file containing all MS targets <File:Cw 2014 09 22 Hg19 2nt-3nt-4nt MS location.txt> and outputs three targetFiles (one for each type of MS, i.e. 2nt, 3nt, 4nt) with the fourth column of the targetFile indicating the desired strand and the probe target subunit sequence changed to reflect that strand. If the script works, the probe target subunit sequences should not contain any C's (as the script changes the MS subunit sequence to reflect the corresponding strand). The command to run this is as follows:
perl hg19_2nt-3nt-4nt_MS_location.txt
- The following are the resulting MS targetFiles that will be inputted into ppDesigner:
File:Cw 2014-09-22 targetFile 2nt.txt File:Cw 2014-09-22 TargetFile 3nt.txt File:Cw 2014-09-22 TargetFile 4nt.txt
Run ppDesigner
- This part of the protocol has to be run on genome-miner, as Unafold is only installed there
- I used ppDesigner v2 for this run (this can be found in genome-miner at </home/samchiang/Chris/software/ppDesigner_BSPP_v2.0/>) and can also be downloaded here File:Cw 2014-09-22 PpDesigner BSPP
- In order to run ppDesigner for bisulfite probes, we perform the following steps (once I have the targetFiles for each type of microsatellite target):
1) Set the min/max melting temperature accepted for probes to 50/65 in the file in ppDesigner by changing to the following lines: our $primerMaxTm = 65; our $primerMinTm = 50; 2) Use the paramters in the following example jobFile. These parameters are necessary as padlock probes targetting bisulfite converted DNA require longer probe arms for higher specificity. In addition, we have to also indicate that these probes are bisulfite probes File:Cw 2014-09-22 jobFile mod 90-110.txt 3) We then call and run ppDesigner using the following example command: /home/samchiang/Chris/software/ppDesigner_BSPP_v2.0-BSPP-params/src/ > hg19_2nt_ms_BSPP_20140922.txt
- In order to run ppDesigner for regular probes, we perform the following steps (once I have the targetFiles fore ach type of microsatellite target):
1) Set the min/max melting temperature accepted for probes to 50/65 in the file in ppDesigner by changing to the following lines: our $primerMaxTm = 65; our $primerMinTm = 55; 2) Use the paramters in the following example jobFile. These parameters are necessary as padlock probes targetting bisulfite converted DNA require longer probe arms for higher specificity. In addition, we have to also indicate that these probes are bisulfite probes File:Cw 2014-09-22 regular probes JobFile mod 90-110.txt 3) We then call and run ppDesigner using the following example command: /home/samchiang/Chris/software/ppDesigner_BSPP_v2.0/src/ > hg19_4nt_ms_20140922.txt
- I ran each of these commands separately for each type of microsatellite (2nt, 3nt, 4nt) and the raw output files from ppDesigner as as follows:
Bisulfite Probes File:Hg19 2nt ms BSPP 20140922.txt File:Hg19 3nt ms BSPP 20140922.txt File:Hg19 4nt ms BSPP 20140922.txt Regular Probes File:Hg19 2nt ms 20140922.txt File:Hg19 3nt ms 20140922.txt File:Hg19 4nt ms 20140922.txt
Filter by Mapping
- All filtering was done in genemapster at </media/3TB_slot2/cjwei/Fate_Mapping/pp_design/ppDesigner_20140922> in each corresponding folder
- For regular probes, we don't have to worry about strand specificity (i.e. there is no conversion in bases of sequence depending on the strand). Consequently, we can run the bash script: File:Cw 20140922 1 that performs the following steps
1) Creates simulated paired-end reads (one for each capture arm) from the original ppDesigner output using the perl script: File:Cw 20140922 Probe size.txt 2) We then verify that the capture arms map to the reference hg19 genome accordingly using Bowtie2 3) Once we have the output of Bowtie2 in sam format, we then want to filter out only those reads that mapped concordantly with both pairs mapping uniquely. Bowtie2 uses the tag "XS:i:" to denote unique mapping. Hence, we use samtools to filter only reads that mapped concordantly (using -Shf 0x2). Then we used grep to filter out any reads that had the "XS:i:" tag. We also remove header lines that start with "@." Finally, I used a python script from online that removes any orphan reads that mapped uniquely but the mate does not. This script is: File:Cw 20140922 Extract uniquely mapped.txt 4) Next we extract only the read names from the sam file (i.e. extract only the targetIDs, one for each mate) using the script: File:Cw 20140922 Sam2read-name.txt 5) We then extract only probe lines from the original ppDesigner output that were listed in the read names that passed the filter by mapping by using the custom script: File:Cw 20140922 Merge probe files.txt
- For bisulfite probes, we add a step in the beginning to divide the ppDesigner output into two files based on whether the probes target the Watson or the Crick strand. To accomplish this, I used the script: File:Cw 20140922 Probe split.txt. However, once we do that, we perform the subsequent steps listed above (steps 2-5) the same but for each strand separately then we combine all these in the end. The bash script that performs the steps is File:Cw 20140922 1
- The resulting probe file after filter by mapping are as follows:
Bisulfite Probes File:Hg19 2nt ms BSPP 20140922.txt.C.only unique alignment.txt File:Hg19 2nt ms BSPP 20140922.txt.W.only unique alignment.txt File:Hg19 3nt ms BSPP 20140922.txt.C.only unique alignment.txt File:Hg19 3nt ms BSPP 20140922.txt.W.only unique alignment.txt File:Hg19 4nt ms BSPP 20140922.txt.C.only unique alignment.txt File:Hg19 4nt ms BSPP 20140922.txt.W.only unique alignment.txt Regular Probes File:Hg19 2nt ms 20140922.txt.only unique alignment.txt File:Hg19 3nt ms 20140922.txt.only unique alignment.txt File:Hg19 4nt ms 20140922.txt.only unique alignment.txt