AlanFung:LabNotes/DNA/2009-3-26: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 21:39, 30 March 2009

DNA Methylation Capturing - Jurkat gDNA equivalent to 100 cells' DNA


  • Specific capturing of bisulfite converted genomic targets

Samples & Materials

  • Jurkat gDNA (100ng/uL)
  • EZ DNA Methylation Direct Kit 03/11/09
  • 10X Ligase Buffer
  • Cpg30k
  • Suppressor
  • RNAse Free H2O
  • dNTP NEB10 mM
  • AmpliTaq Stoffel Fragment
  • Jurkat gDNA (100ug/mL)
  • Dilute 1uL stock gDNA with 99uL RNAse-free H20
  • 2% Agarose Gel


  • Bisulfite Conversion
  • Elution
  • Capturing


  • Diltue Jurkat gDNA to equal amount of gDNA from 100 cells

100cells equivalent to 600pg or 0.6ng gDNA


  Dilute 10uL stock gDNA(100ng/uL) with 90uL RNAse free H2O


  Dilute 10uL stock gDNA(10ng/uL) with 90uL RNAse free H2O


  Dilute 10uL stock gDNA(1ng/uL) with 90uL RNAse free H2O

  • Bisulfite Conversion of DNA

PCR Tube A - 200ng Jurkat gDNA

           2uL   100ng/uL gDNA          
           18uL  H20                                  
           130uL CT Conversion Reagent       

PCR Tube B 0.6ng Jurkat gDNA

           6uL   0.1ng/uL gDNA
           14uL  H2O
           130uL CT converison Reagent

Vortex and spin down

Perform reaction in thermocycler

  • Run>Alan>METH
      Step1   98C, 8m
      Step2   64C, 3.5hr
      Step4   4C,  storage for up to 20 hr

Add 700uL of M-Bindin Buffer into a IC Column (Increase from 600uL, should increase yield)

Load 150uL of samples into IC column


Centrifuge at 20,000 rcf for 30s Discard flow through

Add 100uL M-Wash Buffer to column Repeat Centrifuge

Add 200uL of M-Desulphonation Buffer to column let stand at RT for 20m Repeat centrifuge step

Add 200uL of M-Wash Buffer to the column Repeat Centrifuge

Place column in a 1.5mL tube Add in 10uL of M-Elution Buffer directly to the column matix Repeat Centrifuge CPG30K Dilution

  • Diltue CPG30K


  Dilute 10uL stock gDNA(7ng/uL) with 90uL RNAse free H2O


  Dilute 10uL stock gDNA(0.7ng/uL) with 90uL RNAse free H2O

Content Volume Tube A Template 10uL
10X Ligase Buffer 1uL
7ng/uL CPG30K 7.24uL
RNAse free H2O 1.76uL
Mineral Oil 20uL

Tube Content Volume
B Template 10uL
10X Ligase Buffer 1uL
0.07ng/uL CPG30K 4.29uL
RNAse free H2O 4.71uL
Mineral Oil 20uL
  • Thermocycler
  • Run>Alan>CAP
      Step1  95C, 10m
      Step2  55C, hold at least 16 hrs
      *Add 1uL SLN mix 
      Step3  55C, 4hr
      Step4  95C, 1m
      Step5  55C, 4hr
      Step6  Go back to step 5 repeat 8 time
      Step7  95C, 1m
      Step8  37C, 1m
      *Add 2uL Exonuclease I/III mix
      Step9  37C, 2hr
      Step10 94C, 5m
      Step11 4C,  hold

  • PCR
   Template                10ul      
   2X iProof Mastermix     50ul      
   AmpF6.2SoL (10uM)        4ul       
   AmpR6.2SoL (10uM)        4ul       
   50X SYBG I             0.8ul      
   H2O                   31.2ul    

      Step1   98C, 30s
      Step2   98C, 10s
      Step3   58C, 20s
      Step4   72C, 20s
      Step5   Go back to step 2 repeat 7 times
      Step6   98C, 10s
      Step7   72C, 20s
      Step8   Go back to step 6 repeat 9 times
      Step9   72C, 5m
      Step10  15C, 0m
  • Gel Electrophoresis
                                 Gel 1
Well             1     2     3     4     5    6     7      8
Content          Blank                                     Ladder
6X Loading Dye   


Col 1, row 1 Col 2, row 1 (and 2) Col 3, row 1
Col 1, row 2 Col 3, row 2
