Dinh:Protocols/Probes Prep Nov24

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Revision as of 22:29, 24 November 2009 by >Dinh
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November 24, 2009

KAPA SYBR FAST qPCR Kit Master Mix (2x) Universal

ideally suited for gene expression analysis
low copy gene detection
microarray validation
gene knockdown validation


protect kit components from light
always ensure that the product has been fully thawed and mixed before use
do not exceed 25 ul reaction volumes
do not exceed 20ng template DNA per 20 ul reaction volume
novel enzyme in kit enhances the amplification efficiency of both high GC and AT templates
Chromo4 RT Detector does not require ROX Reference dye


To determine which volume is optimal for KAPA qPCR kit reaction
To use KAPA qPCR kit on CpG30K probes set
To practice QUBIT DNA quantification
To create a probes preparation/purification table
Previous methods to quantify probes concentration at each purification steps included Nanodrop and PAGE quantification. However, Nanodrop quantification is inaccurate after ethanol precipitation. The drawback to PAGE quantification is that it cannot determine the total DNA concentration. I will use QUBIT and PAGE to determine the efficiency of each probes preparation step.