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Probe Prep 3 (Started 5/29/2013)

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DpnII Digest (from 6/3/2013)

4. Column Purification, elute with 30 uL
5. Measure concentrations in Nanodrop

Nanodrop Results

Sample ng/uL ug in 30 uL Yield (%)
alpha-4B 127.1 3.8 80.9
alpha-6B 122.4 3.7 78.6
beta-4B 122.6 3.7 83.6
beta-6B 112.5 3.4 73.3


1. Gel setup
Lane 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Sample 10 bp ladder V4S2-B** V4S2-A V6S2-A V4S2-A* V4S2-A* 10 bp ladder V6S2-B** V4S2-B V6S2-B V4S2-B* V4S2-B*

Notes: *denotes without aa-dUTP; **denotes undigested probe

2. Ran gel for 25 minutes at 250 V
3. Stained with 3 uL SYBR gold for 3 minutes

Gel Image

File:DpnDigest 060413.jpg


There doesn't seem to be a difference between the 16 hour digest and the 2 hour digest, even looking only at the normal group (no aa-dUTP).  
Therefore tomorrow I will do the rest of the reactions for 2 hours.