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Moleculo Data Analysis Part 1


  • We are integrating Illumina (short read) and Moleculo (long read) data to assemble the oncomelania genome
  • The overall plan that we are using is:
Test assembly of small Illumina dataset
Validation of assembly (using assembly statistics and core genes search)
Assembly of whole Illumina dataset
Integration of Moleculo with Illumina reads
Validation of hybrid assembly (assembly statistics, core genes search, assembly errors)



  • Triton Folder: </projects/zhang-lab/cjwei/130419_Oncomelania_Ilumina_Moleculo/Hybrid_Assembly_5_14_2013/0_Illumina_Test_correction/>
  • In order to first start with the test assembly of small Illumina dataset, we first want to perform correction of reads and test whether correction will help improve assembly
  • We are using the correction software used in Assemblathon2 by SOAPdenovo: (found in </home/cjwei/software/SOAPdenovo2-src-r223/SOAPdenovoPipeline4BirdInAssemblathon2/>
    • kmerfreq
    • correct_error
  • Steps for error correction:

0) Need to gzip read files prior to error correction (can also use .gz files for assembly in SOAPdenovo)

1)Create read list for correction <reads2cor.lst>, which is just the file location of reads. If have paired read files, must put each file consecutively.


2) Run commands (need to run kmerfreq then correct_error scripts in order) <1_correction>

  • Parameters set based on those used in assemblathon2:
    • kmerfreq
      • k=k-mer size, 13-27 (used 27)
      • l=input read file list
      • p=output prefix
      • t=cores used (32 cores per node)
      • i=set initial size of hash table (used 400000000)
      • L=max read length (used 200 in order to ensure enough memory usuage set aside)
    • correct_error
      • k=k-mer size, must be same as kmerfreq (used 27)
      • l=low frequency cutoff (used 2)
      • a=set whether remain all the data or not (used 1)
      • e=set whether trim suspicious region at end of read according to Q-value or not (used 1)
      • w=set whether trim error bases with Q-value <=2 instead of correct (used 1, yes)
      • q=set quality threshold (35)
      • t=number of cores (used 32)
      • j=set whether convert read1 and read 2 corrected file into pair-end file (used 1, yes)
/home/cjwei/software/SOAPdenovo2-src-r223/SOAPdenovoPipeline4BirdInAssemblathon2/kmerfreq -k 27 -l /projects/zhang-lab/cjwei/130419_Oncomelania_Ilumina_Moleculo/Hybrid_Assembly_5_14_2013/1_Illumina_Test_Assembly/reads2cor.lst -p /projects/zhang-lab/cjwei/130419_Oncomelania_Ilumina_Moleculo/Hybrid_Assembly_5_14_2013/1_Illumina_Test_Assembly/test_assembly -t 32 -i 400000000 -L 200 >/projects/zhang-lab/cjwei/130419_Oncomelania_Ilumina_Moleculo/Hybrid_Assembly_5_14_2013/1_Illumina_Test_Assembly/kmerfreq.log 
/home/cjwei/software/SOAPdenovo2-src-r223/SOAPdenovoPipeline4BirdInAssemblathon2/correct_error -k 27 -l 2 -a 0 -e 1 -w 1 -q 35 -t 32 -j 1 /projects/zhang-lab/cjwei/130419_Oncomelania_Ilumina_Moleculo/Hybrid_Assembly_5_14_2013/1_Illumina_Test_Assembly/test_assembly.freq.gz /projects/zhang-lab/cjwei/130419_Oncomelania_Ilumina_Moleculo/Hybrid_Assembly_5_14_2013/1_Illumina_Test_Assembly/reads2cor.lst >/projects/zhang-lab/cjwei/130419_Oncomelania_Ilumina_Moleculo/Hybrid_Assembly_5_14_2013/1_Illumina_Test_Assembly/correct.log

3) Output can be found in original raw read folder as .cor.pair files because program combines the paired read files into one </projects/zhang-lab/cjwei/130419_Oncomelania_Ilumina_Moleculo/Illumina_raw/>

