Blue:RNA-Seq Experiments:12012014
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LiuKai1-4 Plates: NexteraXT Library Preparation
- Repeated Nextera on Normalized Samples prepared by Derek (note: First attempt at Nextera showed smears above 800bp, indicating bad stock of transposase - repeated with fresh stock)
- Gel purified PCR products twice with 0.8x beads and resuspended in 10ul for each library:
- LiuKai_1: Nu-iPSC early stage cells
- LiuKai_2: Nu-iPSC late stage cellss
- LiuKai_3: Normal iPSC early stage cells
- LiuKai_4: Normal iPSC late stage cells
Note: The subset of cDNA samples chosen for further processing was decided by Liu Kai
Ran 1ul of each library on gel: