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Magnetic Beads Purification
Protocol for use with NEB magnetic beads (S1421S). Adapted from the protocol that comes with the beads.
DynaBeads (ThermoFisher)
- Supplied at 10 mg/mL
- Each mg binds ~500 pmol ssDNA-biotin conjugate
Dynabeads Buffer Prep
Reagent | Stock | Final | Dilution | Amt in 10 mL |
NaCl | 5 M | 2 M | 2.5 | 4 mL |
Tris-HCl | 500 mM | 10 mM | 50 | 200 uL |
EDTA | 0.5M | 1 mM | 500 | 20 uL |
nf H2O | NA | NA | NA | 5.8 mL |
- Wash Buffer
- 0.5 M NaCl
- 20 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5)
- 1 mM EDTA
- Elution Buffer
- 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5)
- 1 mM EDTA
- Low Salt Buffer
- 0.15 M NaCl
- 20 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5)
- 1 mM EDTA
Practical Buffer Mixes
Wash/Binding Buffer
Reagent | Stock | Final | Dilution | Amt in 10 mL |
NaCl | 1.5 M | 0.5 M | 3 | 3.33 mL |
Tris-HCl | 500 mM | 20 mM | 25 | 400 uL |
EDTA | 0.5M | 1 mM | 500 | 20 uL |
nf H2O | NA | NA | NA | 6.25 mL |
Low Salt Buffer
Reagent | Stock | Final | Dilution | Amt in 10 mL |
NaCl | 1.5 M | 0.15 M | 10 | 1 mL |
Tris-HCl | 500 mM | 20 mM | 25 | 400 uL |
EDTA | 0.5M | 1 mM | 500 | 20 uL |
nf H2O | NA | NA | NA | 8.58 mL |
- Biotin-labeled substrate binding
- Prewarm Elution Buffer at 70C (1.5 mL heat block)
- Prep a 65C water bath (0.2 mL thermocycler is fine)
- Place low salt buffer on ice
- Dissolve biotin labeled substrate in wash buffer to ~ 8pmol/uL
- Aliquot Streptavidin beads to 5:1 (w/w) ratio with substrate
- Resuspend beads by adding equal volume wash buffer; vortex to resuspend
- Apply magnet to side of the tube for 30 seconds; remove supernatant
- Add 25 uL biotin substrate solution to beads; vortex to resuspend
- Inucbate at room temperature for 5 minutes
- Apply magnet and remove supernatant
- Wash beads with 100 uL wash buffer; vortex to suspend; apply magnet and remove supernatant
- Target binding
- Dissolve target in 50 uL wash buffer and heat at 65C for 5 minutes
- Chill on ice for 3 minutes
- Add sample to prepared strep beads; vortex to suspend
- Incubate at RT for 10 minutes with occasional agitation by hand
- Apply magnet and remove supernatant
- Add 100 uL wash buffer and vortex to suspend beads; apply magnet and remove supernatant
- Repeat wash step above
- Add 100 uL cold Low Salt Buffer and vortex to suspend; apply magnet and remove supernatant
- Elution
- Add 25 uL prewarmed elution buffer; vortex to suspend
- Incubate at RT for 2 minutes
- Apply magnet and transfer supernatant to a clean centrifuge tube
- Repeat elution with 25 uL fresh elution buffer; add supernatant to first elution