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Exp. 1 Cpg capture with a new batch of bisulfite treated Jurkat DNA from 03/17/08

                      Sigma x2     Zymo x 2
  Template              7            3
  10X buffer(fresh)     1            1
  Cpg28k probe(218nM)   2            2
  H2O                   0            4
  A: Sigma, dNTP 10nM
  B: Sigma, dNTP 50uM
  C: Zymo, dNTP 10nM
  D: Zyno, dNTP 50uM

Exon capture control

  GM20431 131ng/ul      7  (10/12/2006)        
  10X buffer(fresh)     1           
  E55kv1 probe(220nM)   2  (01/12/2008)        
  H2O                   0            

94C 10min -> 60C 10min -> add 1ul NSL mix (Stoffel 2U/ul, Ampligase 0.5U/ul, dNTP 10nM or 50uM) -> 60C 1h -> 45 cycles of (94C 1min -> 60C 1h) -> 60C hold -> 37C 1min -> add 2ul Exo I&III, 37C 2h -> 94C 5min -> 4C hold.


   Template                 12ul
   2X iProof Mastermix     100ul
   100uM AmpF6.2           0.8ul
   100uM AmpR6.2           0.8ul
   50X SYBG I              0.8ul
   H2O                      85ul
   Split into two tubes.
   98C 30S -> (98C 10S -> 58C 20S -> 72C 20S) x 15 
           -> 72C 5 min -> 15C hold.
  A: Sigma, dNTP 10nM
  B: Sigma, dNTP 50uM
  C: Zymo, dNTP 10nM
  D: Zymo, dNTP 50uM
  E: E55kv1, dNTP 10nM
  F: E55kv1, dNTP 50uM
  To test whether some of the high MW bands are concatemers, 
  I did Alu I digestion on the MinElute purified amplicons.
  8ul DNA + 1ul 10X NEBuffer2 + 1ul Alu I -> 37C 30min -> 75C 10min. 

PAGE purification of amplicon D, F, and Cosmic C(03/17/08)

 Resuspended the pellets in 15ul ddH2O.

Blunt end cloning

  PAGE purified amplicons:  3.5ul
  10X ligation buffer:      0.5ul
  Zero Blunt vector:        0.5ul
  T4 DNA ligase:            0.5ul
  16C 1h -> 4C overnight.

Colony PCR & sequencing

I pick 16 colonies from the CpG plate, 8 from the Cosmic plate and 8 from the E55kv1 plate.


   2X TaqMaster mix            15ul
   10uM M13 F/R primer mix    0.6ul
   H2O                       14.4ul
   94C 2min -> 35 cycles of (94C 30sec -> 52C 30sec -> 72C 30sec) -> 72C 3min 

Check with Argarose gel, 4ul amplicons per lane, the ladder is Invitrogen Low Mass ladder (4ul).

I estimated the concentration of each band based on the intensity of the 200bp band of the ladder.

ExoSap-IT treatment: 5ul amplicons + 2ul ExoSap-IT, 37C 15min -> 80C 15min

   Samples submitted for sequencing
   Cpg #1:  Cpg A1         Cosmic #1: Cosmic A1
   Cpg #2:  Cpg B1         Cosmic #2: Cosmic B1
   Cpg #3:  Cpg C1         Cosmic #3: Cosmic C1
   Cpg #4:  Cpg D1         Cosmic #4: Cosmic D1
   Cpg #5:  Cpg E1         E55kv1 #1: E55kv1 A1
   Cpg #6:  Cpg F1         E55kv1 #1: E55kv1 A1
   Cpg #7:  Cpg H1         E55kv1 #1: E55kv1 D1
   Cpg #8:  Cpg B2         E55kv1 #1: E55kv1 E1