Brandon Sos

From ZhangLabWiki
Revision as of 18:35, 1 June 2012 by >Bsos (→‎Protocols)
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Current Projects


polyacrylamide DNA gel

TBU gel

Count cells

Primers prep

Lysis buffers

gel size selection

AMPure XP beads purification only

AMPure XP beads purification 2-step PCR

Cloning and Transformation.

Invitrogen MAXIscript T7 In vitro transcription kit

SMART MMLV RT protocol (for first strand synthesis)

standard PCR cycling for for different enzymes etc

enzyme reaction buffer compositions

e gel protocol

  • notes
    • minielute colums for <10 ul samples, otherwise use qiaquick columns

Scratch for notes etc

Main Calendar

<calendar> name=Brandon:LabNotes/Project1 format=%name/%year-%month-%day date=2012/02/01 view=twoyear </calendar>

<calendar> name=Brandon:LabNotes/Project1 format=%name/%year-%month-%day date=2011/02/01 view=twoyear </calendar>