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Low-input Bisulfite Conversion and MDA Nextera library

Protocols Today

  • Start with four tubes: 314 cells, 157 cells x 2, NTC all go through bisulfite conversion
  • Make 1571 cell/ul (original tube)
  • Make 314 cells/ul (dilute 10ul cells in 40 ul ddh2o)
  • Make 157cells/ul (dilute 10ul cells in 90 ul ddh2o)

Cell Lysis

  • First, make protease Dilution
    • Add 3 uL Protease to 97 uL H2O for a 3:100 dilution
  • Next, add 1 uL 3:100 diluted Protease and 1 uL 3X Lysis Buffer (NP40) to 1 uL Frozen cells; incubate at 37 C for 30 minutes, followed by 70 C for 20 minutes
  • Cells are now lysed

Make New BSA-Water solution

  • Stock solution is at 10mg/ml, need to dilute to 0.5mg/ml
  • Take 10ul stock BSA dilute with 190ul nuclease free water

Bisulfite Conversion - Imprint Kit

  • Prepare DNA Modification Solution (CT Conversion Reagent):
  • Add 21 uL 0.5 mg/mL BSA and
  • Add 1 uL Imprint Balance solution to each sample;
  • incubate at 37 C for 10 minutes
  • Add 125 uL DNA Modification solution to each tube, incubate at 65 C for 90 minutes
  • Perform Column Purification of each sample:
  • Elute into 11uL Elution Buffer

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  • Denature all samples at 95C for 30sec and quickly transfer to cooler rack
Content Volume MM
10X Repli Phi Buffer 2 8.8
1mM N9 Primer 1 4.4
25mM dNTP 0.8 3.52
Repliphi Phi 29 (100U/ul) 1 4.4
Klenow Exo Minus (10U/ul) 0.5 2.2
Nuclease free H20 4.7 20.68
Modified DNA Sample 10 Do not add to MM
Total 20 44
  • Add 10ul of MDA mastermix to each sample
  • 30C 60 min, 65C 10 min, 4C hold


  • Elute with 10ul nuclease free water


  • To get 3ul for shendure's method of nextera library tagmentation, I will transfer the 10ul samples to qpcr tube, put the cap on and puncture a hole at the cap and speedvac till the sample is dry
  • took about 28min to dry samples
  • Re-dissolve the samples with 3ul of nuclease free water, sit at RT for 5 min


  • To lysate, add 1 uL 1:50 diluted Nextera Transposase and 1 uL 5x Nextera HMW Buffer; incubate at 55 C for 5 minutes
  • To make 1:100 Protease, mix 1ul of protease with 99ul of nuclease free water
  • Next, add 1 uL 1:100 diluted Protease to solution; incubate at 37 C for 30 minutes, followed by 70 C for 20 minutes
  • Prepare mastermix for library amplification
Content Volume MM
Nuclease Free H2O 16 70.4
10uM Orange Primer 1 4.4
10uM Blue Primer 1 4.4
Tagmented DNA 6 Do not add to MM
2X Kapa SYBR Supermix 25 110
BST 1 4.4
Total 50 193.6
  • Add 44ul MM to each reaction
  • Perform qPCR using the following reaction conditions:
    • 65 C, 3 min incubation (BST gap filling)
    • 95 C, 30 seconds (Denature)
    • 35 cycles of:
      • 95 C, 10 seconds (Denature)
      • 58 C, 30 seconds (Anneal)
      • 72 C, 3 minutes (Extension)
    • 72 C, 5 minutes (final extension)
    • Hold at 4 C
  • 300 cells was taken out after 7 cycles
  • 150 cells & NTC was taken out after 12 cycles

File:ZhangLab 2 2011-08-28.jpg


  • Minelute column, elute with 15ul water
  • Nanodrop gave me weird results, I was having problem when measuring the blank sterile water. Will avoid using the water provided by the Repliphi phi 29 kit for elution next time
    • 150:6.6ng/ul
    • 300:-0.2ng/ul
  • Use Qubit to measure the concentration instead
    • 150:4.16ng/ul
    • 300:1.46ng/ul
  • Looks like I do not have enough samples for end repair, may be I should run a few more cycles of PCR?
  • I would like to run a gel to confirm the size of the amplicons

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  • Talk to Dr. Zhang and he suggests that I can take 0.5ul of amplified samples and repeat the PCR, doing that will avoid over amplify all the samples.
  • Also me and Athurva need to come up with a plan on experiments to obtain a few aspects that we need to validate
    • whether bisulfite conversion is complete
    • whether the methylation level is accurately capture in the libraries
    • whether the resulting amplicons contain the right adaptors such that they can be sequenced on the illumina platform
    • whether all genomic regions are present at roughly equal abundance in the libraries
    • What can you get from the Sanger sequencing experiment, and what other experiments you need to do

Library Amplification

Content Volume MM
Nuclease Free H2O 22.5 74.25
10uM Orange Primer 1 3.3
10uM Blue Primer 1 3.3
Purified Amplicons 0.5 Do not add to MM
2X Kapa SYBR Supermix 25 82.5
Total 50 165
  • Add 49.5ul MM to each reaction
  • Perform qPCR using the following reaction conditions:
    • 95 C, 30 seconds (Denature)
    • 35 cycles of:
      • 95 C, 10 seconds (Denature)
      • 58 C, 30 seconds (Anneal)
      • 72 C, 3 minutes (Extension)
    • 72 C, 5 minutes (final extension)
    • Hold at 4 C


  • Minelute with 15ul EB buffer
  • Nanodrop Result
    • NTC:25.9ng/ul
    • 150:94.1ng/ul
    • 300:85.5ng/ul

PAGE Gel Analysis

File:ZhangLab 2 2011-08-29 18hr 51min.jpg

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PAGE Size Selection

  • Talked to Noi, she suggests that I can load ~500ng/well for my sample size is a a big range, I will load 2 wells per sample
  • Load a 5well TBE gel into the gel running module
  • Add in fresh 0.5X TBE buffer to the inside core full the outer core up to the metal line
Mix 1ul low mass ladder with 10ul dH2O, 9ul 6X loading dye
Mix 6.5ul samples with 4.5ul dH2O, 9 ul 6X loading dye 
  • Load the samples into the wells, run at 250V for 25 min.
  • Stain gel with 2.5uL SYBR Gold in ~100 mL of TBE in clean tray.
  • Place tray on an orbital shaker for ~5 min.

Purify the product from the gel

  • Prepare two gel shearing assemblies by placing a 0.5 mL tube within another 1.5 mL Non-Stick tube. Use G20 needle to punch a small hole at the bottom of the 0.5 mL tube. Use two assemblies for each PAGE gel.
  • Cut out the correct band (175-800 nt in this case), chop the band into small slices, split into two half and transfer each half to one shearing assembly.

File:ZhangLab 2 2011-08-30 15hr 04min.jpg

  • Centrifuge at top speed > 12000 rpm for 2 min to sheer the gel, remove the 0.5 mL tube.
  • Add 400 uL clean 1x TE buffer in the 1.5 mL tube. Tape the tubes on a vortexer, place the vortexer in 37C incubator, shake the tubes at low speed for 1 hour. Alternatively, can keep the tubes in 4C fridge overnight.
  • Spin down all tubes at 13,000rpm for 2min
  • In the PCR hood, transfer the liquid layer of the gel mix to Nanosep columns, spin for 3 min at top speed (15,000 rpm), and then transfer supernatant to 1.5mL tube.