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Probe Capture

  • From [1] and [2]: ~37.4 pmol in 140ul
  • Use gDNA as template/target
  • Use a probe:target ratio of 100:1
  • Hosuk said there are about 3,000 cells per dish, I will round up to 10,000 so there are extra oligos for multiple experiments

10^4 cells x 10^4 rolonies/cell = 10^8 rolonies in dish
10^8 rolonies / 4,000 genes = 2.5 x 10^4 rolonies/gene (targets)
100 x 2.5 x 10^4 = 2.5 x 10^6 probe sets => 4.151 x 10^-18 mol of probe sets

100:1 Probe:Target Calculations

Probe set size 12964 probes
gDNA template 300 ng
gDNA MW 1.95E+12 g/mol (3x10^9 bp x 650 Da/bp + 157.9 Da)
template 1.5385E-19 mol
probe sets (100:1) 1.5385E-17 mol
probe MW (12,964 probes, 193nt) 814190000 g/mol (12,964 probes x (193 nt/probe x 325 Da/nt + 79 Da))
amount probe required 1.25263E-08 g
12.5 ng