Dinh/Dinh 2013/NOTES/2013-6-24
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Analysis of Blueprint MiSeq Run
- 2 X 250bp MiSeq PE run
- Obtain UMI from the first 10bp of read 1, label both reads with UMI
- Trim 27 bp from 5 prime end of read 1 and read 2
- Create kmer_table for COPE
- Use COPE to combine overlapping read 1 and read 2
for f in 1Index1_S1 1Index2_S2 1Index3_S3 2Index4_S6 1Index5_S4 2Index6_S7 2Index7_S8 1Index8_S5 do ./getUMI.pl 130620_MiSeq/TES1-${f}_L001_R1_001.fastq 130620_MiSeq/TES1-${f}_L001_R2_001.fastq $f ~/softwares/cope-src-v1.1.3/src/cope -a $f.R1.fq -b $f.R2.fq -o $f.fq -2 $f.leftR1.fq -3 $f.leftR2.fq -m 1 -t kmer_table.freq.cz -f kmer_table.freq.cz.len >cope.$f.log 2>cope.$f.error rm $f.R1.fq $f.R2.fq done