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Looked more into bowtie 2 format today. Converted .txt files from Dr. Zhang which gave the raw sequences for the probes into .fa files using a MATLAB script I wrote. Jeff informed me this is also easy on Python or Perl. I plan on learning one of these (probably Perl) in order to do future endeavors, as it will not always necessarily be as easy to copy around files as I did this time.
MATLAB script:
function [] = txt_to_fasta(input,set,outputname) file=fopen(input); M=textscan(file,'%s'); nprobe=length(M{1}); outfile=fopen(outputname,'w'); for i=1:nprobe
fprintf(outfile,'>Probe_set%i_%i\n',set,i); fprintf(outfile,'%s\n',M{1}{i});