Blue:RNA-Seq Experiments:totoRNAseq optimizations

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Experimental Overview

File:TotoRNAseq expanded optimization.jpg


  • Systematic analysis of different methods for addition of forward ILMN sequencing adapter to totoRNAseq libraries
  • Comparison of Mg-based and RNaseIII based fragmentation methods
  • Comparison of Enzymatics and Affymetrix PAP

RNA-Seq Library Information

Library ID Samples Input RNA TSO Primer Bar Code Primers Bar Code Primer 2 Type of Seq Reads Library Conc
BL_totoRNAseq_1ngUHRR_ UHRR/ERCC 4x1ng - Mg Frag/Enzymatics PAP 5 min - STRT-Seq TSO.r06 T20VN_id1-4 N2.id1 totoRNAseq
UHRR/ERCC 4x100pg - Mg Frag/Enzymatics PAP 5 min - STRT-Seq TSO.r06 T20VN_id5-8 N2.id2 totoRNAseq
UHRR/ERCC 10x10pg - Mg Frag/Enzymatics PAP 5 min - STRT-Seq TSO.r06 T20VN_id9-18 N2.id3 totoRNAseq
UHRR/ERCC 4x1ng - RNase3 Frag/Affymetrix PAP 10 min - STRT-Seq TSO.r06 T20VN_id1-4 N2.id4 totoRNAseq
UHRR/ERCC 4x100pg - RNase3 Frag/Affymetrix PAP 10 min - STRT-Seq TSO.r06 T20VN_id5-8 N2.id5 totoRNAseq
UHRR/ERCC 10x10pg - RNase3 Frag/Affymetrix PAP 10 min - STRT-Seq TSO.r06 T20VN_id9-18 N2.id6 totoRNAseq
UHRR/ERCC 4x1ng - Mg Frag/Enzymatics PAP 5 min - Quartz-Seq xxx T20VN_id1-4 N2.id7 totoRNAseq
UHRR/ERCC 4x100pg - Mg Frag/Enzymatics PAP 5 min - Quartz-Seq xxx T20VN_id5-8 N2.id8 totoRNAseq
UHRR/ERCC 10x10pg - Mg Frag/Enzymatics PAP 5 min - Quartz-Seq xxx T20VN_id9-18 N2.id9 totoRNAseq
UHRR/ERCC 4x1ng - RNase3 Frag/Affymetrix PAP 10 min - Quartz-Seq xxx T20VN_id1-4 N2.id10 totoRNAseq
UHRR/ERCC 4x100pg - RNase3 Frag/Affymetrix PAP 10 min - Quartz-Seq xxx T20VN_id5-8 N2.id11 totoRNAseq
UHRR/ERCC 10x10pg - RNase3 Frag/Affymetrix PAP 10 min - Quartz-Seq xxx T20VN_id9-18 N2.id12 totoRNAseq
UHRR/ERCC 4x1ng - Mg Frag/Enzymatics PAP 5 min - Cel-Seq xxx T20VN_id1-4 N2.id13 totoRNAseq
UHRR/ERCC 4x100pg - Mg Frag/Enzymatics PAP 5 min - Cel-Seq xxx T20VN_id5-8 N2.id14 totoRNAseq
UHRR/ERCC 10x10pg - Mg Frag/Enzymatics PAP 5 min - Cel-Seq xxx T20VN_id9-18 N2.id15 totoRNAseq
UHRR/ERCC 4x1ng - RNase3 Frag/Affymetrix PAP 10 min - Cel-Seq xxx T20VN_id1-4 N2.id16 totoRNAseq
UHRR/ERCC 4x100pg - RNase3 Frag/Affymetrix PAP 10 min - Cel-Seq xxx T20VN_id5-8 N2.id17 totoRNAseq
UHRR/ERCC 10x10pg - RNase3 Frag/Affymetrix PAP 10 min - Cel-Seq xxx T20VN_id9-18 N2.id18 totoRNAseq
UHRR/ERCC 4x1ng - Mg Frag/Enzymatics PAP 5 min - Nugen xxx T20VN_id1-4 N2.id19 totoRNAseq
UHRR/ERCC 4x100pg - Mg Frag/Enzymatics PAP 5 min - Nugen xxx T20VN_id5-8 N2.id20 totoRNAseq
UHRR/ERCC 10x10pg - Mg Frag/Enzymatics PAP 5 min - Nugen xxx T20VN_id9-18 N2.id21 totoRNAseq
UHRR/ERCC 4x1ng - RNase3 Frag/Affymetrix PAP 10 min - Nugen xxx T20VN_id1-4 N2.id22 totoRNAseq
UHRR/ERCC 4x100pg - RNase3 Frag/Affymetrix PAP 10 min - Nugen xxx T20VN_id5-8 N2.id23 totoRNAseq
UHRR/ERCC 10x10pg - RNase3 Frag/Affymetrix PAP 10 min - Nugen xxx T20VN_id9-18 N2.id24 totoRNAseq

Primer sequences [1]

RNAseIII-Fragmented Library Preparation

2ng/ul 0.5ul
1:104 ERCC 0.2ul
0.1uM T20VN 0.1ul
dH2O 0.2ul
Total 1ul

Incubate @ 72C 3 min
Incubate @ 37C 1 min

10x RNaseIII buffer 0.2ul
RNase III 0.1ul
dH20 0.7ul
Total 2ul

Incubate @ 37C 1 min

3' Tailing
fRNA 2ul
5x RT buffer 0.5ul
1mM ATP 0.5ul
0.5U/ul Enzymatics PAP (1:10d in H2O) 0.5ul + 0.3ul dH2O
or 600U/ul Affymetrix PAP 0.2ul + 0.6ul dH2O
40U/ul Rnase Inhibitor 0.2ul
Total 4ul

Incubate @ 37C 5 min (Enzymatics) or 4-10 min (Affymetrix)
Add 1ul of 0.1uM

Reverse Transcription
5xRT Buffer 1.5ul
10mM dNTP Mix 1ul
100mM DTT 0.25ul
Betaine (5M) 2ul
Smarter MMLV (200U/ul) 0.25ul
Total 10ul

Incubate @ 42C 30 min

Beads Purification
  1. Add 15ul beads per well
  2. Allow to bind 15 min, combine wells
  3. Remove supernatant and wash 2x with 1ml 80% EtOH
  4. Air Dry 10min or until cracking first occurs
  5. Resuspend beads in 6ul dH2O, incubate 2min, transfer to new tube; vacuspin ~8min to 3ul

Library Preparation (Mg-based Fragmentation)

2ng/ul UHRR RNA 0.5ul
1:104 ERCC 0.2ul
5x RT buffer 1ul
dH2O 0.3ul
Total 2ul

Incubate @ 94C 2 min
Transfer to ice

End Repair
fRNA 2ul
1mM ATP 0.4ul
100mM DTT 0.1ul
RNase Inhibitor 0.1ul
PNK 0.5ul
Total 3.1ul

Incubate @ 37C 30 min

3' Tailing
PNK_fRNA 3.1ul
1mM ATP 0.5ul
0.5U/ul Enzymatics PAP (1:10d in H2O) 0.5ul
or 600U/ul Affymetrix PAP 0.2ul + 0.3ul dH2O

Incubate @ 37C 5 min (Enzymatics) or 10 min (Affymetrix)
Transfer to Ice
Add 1ul of 0.1uM

Reverse Transcription
5xRT Buffer 1ul
10mM dNTP Mix 1ul
100mM DTT 0.25ul
Betaine (5M) 2ul
Smarter MMLV (200U/ul) 0.25ul
dH2O 0.5ul
Total 10ul

Incubate @ 42C 30 min

Beads Purification
  1. Add 15ul beads per well
  2. Allow to bind 15 min, combine wells
  3. Remove supernatant and wash 2x with 1ml 80% EtOH
  4. Air Dry 10min or until cracking first occurs
  5. Resuspend beads in 6ul dH2O, incubate 2min, transfer to new tube; vacuspin ~8min to 3ul

STRT-Seq Library Preparation

TSO Reaction
Purified cDNA 3ul
5x RT buffer [MMLV] 2ul
10mM dNTP mix 1ul
100mM DTT 0.25ul
10uM TSO 1ul
Betaine (5M) 2ul
RNase Inhibitor 0.25ul
Smarter MMLV 0.5ul
Total 10ul

Incubate @42C 10min
Incubate @70C 10min

PCR (PhusionHF)
TSO Reaction 10ul
2x Buffer 25ul
10uM P1-STRT 1ul
10uM PCR_R_N2_id 1ul
H2O 13ul
Total 50ul

98C 30 sec
98C 15s -> 58C 20s -> 72C 30s 6x
98C 10s -> 72C 20s 9x (1ng)
72C, 5min

  • Run 5ul on gel:


Quartz-Seq Library Preparation

Primer Digestion

Purified cDNA 3ul
10x PCR Buffer 0.4ul
10x Exo I buffer 0.2ul
100mM DTT 0.2ul
Exonuclease I 0.6ul
dH2O 1.6ul
Total 6ul

Incubate @37C 30min
Incubate @80C 20min

Poly-A Tailing

ExoI RXN 6ul
10x PCR Buffer 0.5ul
100mM dATP 0.15ul
RNaseH 0.12ul
TdT enzyme 0.42ul
dH2O 3.81ul
Total 11ul

Incubate @37C 50 sec
Incubate @65C 10min

Second Strand Synthesis

Poly-A Tailed Sample 11ul
2x PhusionHF Flex 25ul
10uM Smarter Tagging primer 0.32ul
dH2O 20.68ul
Total 57ul
Incubate @98C 30sec
Incubate @40C 1min
Incubate @68C 5min

PCR Amplification

2nd Strand Sample 57ul
2x PhusionHF Flex 25ul
10uM P1-STRT 1ul
10uM 1ul
dH2O 23ul
Total 107ul

98C 30 sec
98C 15s -> 58C 20s -> 72C 30s 6x
98C 10s -> 72C 20s 9x (1ng) or 12x (100pg)
72C, 5min

Cel-Seq Library Preparation

Second Strand Synthesis

Purified cDNA 3ul
FS Buffer 0.2ul
SS Buffer 1ul
10mM dNTP 0.8ul
DNA Polymerase 0.2ul
RNaseH 0.1ul
dH2O 4.7ul
Total 10ul

Incubate @16C 2 hours

T7 Primer Addition

Second Strand Sample 10ul
RL.Add.T7 Primer (10uM) 0.5ul
dH2O 14.5ul
Total 50ul
Incubate @94C 2min
Incubate @60C 2min
Incubate @72C 5min

Beads Purification

  1. Add 50ul beads per well
  2. Allow to bind 15 min, combine wells
  3. Remove supernatant and wash 2x with 1ml 80% EtOH
  4. Air Dry 10min or until cracking first occurs
  5. Resuspend beads in 6.4ul dH2O, incubate 2min, transfer to new tube


Purified T7-added Sample 6.4ul
ATP 1.6ul
GTP 1.6ul
CTP 1.6ul
UTP 1.6ul
10x T7 buffer 1.6ul
T7 Enzyme 1.6ul
Total 16ul
Incubate @37C (lid 70C) 13 hours
Incubate @4C

Quantification of aRNA

  • Determine concentration of amplified RNA using Qubit
  • Dilute 5-10ng RNA into 16ul dH2O

Phosphatase Treatment

aRNA 16ul
10x Phosphatase buffer 2ul
Anarctic phosphatase 1ul
RNase Inhibitor 1ul
Total 20ul
Incubate @37C 30min
Incubate @65C 5min
Incubate @4C Indefinitely

PNK Treatment

Phos Treated aRNA 20ul
dH2O 17ul
10x phosphatase buffer 5ul
ATP (10mM, from Illumina kit) 5ul
RNase Inhibitor 1ul
PNK 2ul
Total 50ul
Incubate @37C 60min

RNA Cleanup: (Zymo RNA Clean and Concentrator-5)

  • Add 100ul RNA Binding Buffer and mix well
  • Add 150ul 95-100% Ethanol and mix well
  • Transfer to Zymo-Spin IC Column and centrifuge 1min
  • Add 400ul RNA Prep Buffer to column and centrifuge 1min
  • Add 800ul RNA Wash Buffer to column and centrifuge 1min
  • Add 400ul RNA Wash Buffer to column and centrifuge 2min
  • Transfer column to 1.5ml tube, add 6ul dH2O, 1min RT, centrifuge 1min
  • Speedvac to 5ul

3'Adaptor Ligation

Phos/PNK aRNA 5ul
3' Smarter Adaptor RA3 (1:5 dilution?) 1ul
Incubate @70C 2min
transfer to ice
aRNA/adaptor 6ul
5x HM Ligation Buffer (HML, Illumina kit) 2ul
RNase Inhibitor 1ul
T4 RNA Ligase 2, truncated 1ul
Incubate @28C 1 hour (unheated lid)
Still in thermocycler: add 1ul stop solution (STP)
Pipette entire volume 6-8 times to mix
Incubate @28C 15min
Transfer to ice
Add 3ul dH2O

Reverse Transcription

Adaptor-ligated RNA 6ul (store remaining at -80C)
RNA Smarter RT Primer (RTP) 1ul
Incubate @70C 2min
Immediately transfer to ice
RNA/primer 7ul
10x RT Buffer 1ul
10mM dNTP 0.5ul
100mM DTT 0.5ul
RNase Inhibitor 0.5ul
SuperScriptIII 0.5ul
Total 10ul

Incubate @25C 5min
Incubate @50C 20min
Incubate @70C 10min

PCR Amplification

RT Reaction 10ul
2x PhusionHF Flex Buffer 25ul
10uM P1-STRT 1ul
10uM PCR_R_N2_id 1ul
H2O 13ul
Total 50ul

98C 30 sec
98C 15s -> 58C 20s -> 72C 30s 6x
98C 10s -> 72C 20s 9x (10ng)
72C, 5min