Alice:Whole Genome Bisulfite Sequencing Lab Notes

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WGBS of mouse SCNT and iPSC (collaborate with Yang Xu lab)

  • The goal of this project is to examine the methylation pattern of mouse SCNT and iPSC against mESC using whole genome bisulfite sequencing, and to characterize epigenetic signatures that resulted from different stem cell reprogramming methods.
    • detailed experimental procedures can be found here: [[1]]
sample ID N2 Index used cell type progenitor line progenitor/donor mouse strain
2A4F1 N2 index 1 iPSC N/A (used TB_B6MEF in exome study) C57BL/6J
2A4F33 N2 index 2 iPSC N/A (used TB_B6MEF in exome study) C57BL/6J
miPS B3 N2 index 4 iPSC ZN_B6MEF C57BL/6J
1E12P20 N2 index 5 iPSC TB_B6MEF C57BL/6J
nt ES P7 C N2 index 6 SCNT B6MEF P0-3 C57BL/6J
nt ES P8 B N2 index 7 SCNT B6MEF P0-3 C57BL/6J
NB 3 N2 index 9 SCNT B6-P1-1 C57BL/6J
SCNT B12 N2 index 10 SCNT B6-P1-2 C57BL/6J
B6 ES N2 index 11 ES - C57BL/6J
129 ES N2 index 12 ES - -

Sequencing statistics

  • Data Source
    • The samples were sequenced in the following runs:
      • Hiseq 130104_SN1001
      • GAIIx 121226_HL140 (lane 1 only)
Sample ID N2 Index total reads mapped reads mapping rate total # of CpG sites covered (coverage >=5) mean coverage (sites with coverage >=5) mean methylation level (sites with coverage >=5)
2A4F1 1 375578848 283699999 76% 17510624 12.5 0.76
2A4F33 2 360720634 253128940 70% 16863956 11.3 0.74
mipsB3 4 342349949 211416203 62% 15215962 9.8 0.71
1E12P20 5 328678606 227406985 69% 15865114 10.6 0.73
nt ES P7C 6 315952780 205976115 65% 15025471 9.6 0.57
nt ES P8B 7 461470678 333879642 72% 17852991 12.1 0.61
NB3 9 297479356 205398733 69% 14210572 9.3 0.79
SCNTB12 10 322193316 228779506 71% 16016176 11.1 0.73
B6ES 11 310311719 214278139 69% 15464407 10.5 0.74
129ES 12 271922039 163956125 60% 7433945 7.7 0.64


  • data and processed files can be found on meangenemachine:/home/zhl002/ZL_1TB
  • Dinh also has processed files on genome-miner:/media/LTS_15T/Dinh_LTS/WGBS/SCNT_mm9/Soap

Mapping and calculate MethylFreq

perform mapping using SOAP
filtering and processing of alignments using SAMtools and Picard
then calculate methylation frequency

make BED format files

TO run:
/home/dinh/scripts/ [sample_name] [min_depth] < [methylFreq file] > Sample_name.bed.txt

calculate forward and reverse correlation

TO run:
/home/dinh/scripts/ [min_depth] < [methylFreq file] > Sample_name.corr

generate methylation matrix

TO run:
/home/dinh/scripts/ [list_bed] [min_sample] [min_depth] [windowSize >= 1]

perform smoothing on the data using BSmooth

BSmooth R script
bsseq package usage and description: Link  UserGuide
TO run:
 for c in chr#
       do -> for f in list_of_file_names
       do -> grep $c [space]$bed/$f.bed.txt > $f.$c
 for ns in number_CpG_sites
       do -> for h in min_window_size
       do -> sed "s/TESTNS/$ns/g" runSmoothing.R | sed "s/TESTH/$h/g" | sed "s/CHROM/$c/g" > run.R
output files:

perform T-statistics on smoothed data

Tstat R script

TO run:
for f in *rda
       do -> sed "s/RDA/$f/g" runTstat.R > Run.R
output files:
group1 and group2 contain the sample names of the two groups being compared
estimate.var describes which sample are being used to estimate variability, and choices are:
gr# (e.g normal sample when compared again cancer data)
same(assume same variability in each group)
paired(do a paired T-test)

In my analysis, I used gr2 to estimate variability, which are the ES lines

plotting the DMRs

T-stat will generate txt file that identified potential DMRs between two group of samples
Dinh modified the methyl matrix perl script which allows it to use chr_interval as input and generate matrix only within the interval specified
on meangenemachine: /home/zhl002/ZL_1TB/ 
TO run: perl [list_bed] [min_sample] [min_depth] [windowSize >= 1] chr#:#-#

Then use  plotting DMR R script to generate the plot
use vim to change the first line of the script to use the output matrix that we just generated from last step

preliminary analysis