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Preparation of RRBS sequencing libraries of solid tumor tissue sample from colon and lung cancer patients

Link to calendar

Sample info

Project ID Zhang lab ID Conc. (ng/ul)
UCSD-006-1 6-T_1 43.40
UCSD-006-2 6-T_2 31.60
UCSD-006-3 6-T_3 31.50
UCSD-006-4 6-T_4 41.70
UCSD-006-5 6-T_5 30.50
UCSD-007-1 7-T_1 30.70
UCSD-007-2 7-T_2 44.60
UCSD-007-3 7-T_3 35.90
UCSD-007-4 7-T_4 33.80
UCSD-007-5 7-T_5 20.40
  • X-Y_Z:
    • X = project ID number. 4 = pancreas, 6 = colon, 7 = lung
    • Y = sample type. T = tissue, P = plasma, S = serum
    • Z = sample ID

1) MspI digestion

  • Conditions: Digest 100ng of DNA with 20U of MspI in 30ul reaction at 37C O/N (normally 3h) and heat inactivate at 65C 10min
  • For 100ng DNA input, I used 2ul (20U) of MspI.
  • I spike in 1% of unmeth lambda DNA (1ng)
  • I actually start MspI at late night of 2014-06-27, so I incubated it O/N as it doesn't hurt to incubate DNA with MspI longer than 3h.
  • I do two replicates for each samples

MspI digestion set up

1.1) Colon samples, UCSD-006

# Sample Conc. (ng/ul) Volume for 100ng (ul) H2O to 10ul MspI Mix Total Code
1 6-T_1.1 43.40 2.30 7.70 20.00 30.00 6T_1.1
2 6-T_1.2 43.40 2.30 7.70 20.00 30.00 6T_1.2
3 6-T_2.1 31.60 3.16 6.84 20.00 30.00 6T_2.1
4 6-T_2.2 31.60 3.16 6.84 20.00 30.00 6T_2.2
5 6-T_3.1 31.50 3.17 6.83 20.00 30.00 6T_3.1
6 6-T_3.2 31.50 3.17 6.83 20.00 30.00 6T_3.2
7 6-T_4.1 41.70 2.40 7.60 20.00 30.00 6T_4.1
8 6-T_4.2 41.70 2.40 7.60 20.00 30.00 6T_4.2
9 6-T_5.1 30.50 3.28 6.72 20.00 30.00 6T_5.1
10 6-T_5.2 30.50 3.28 6.72 20.00 30.00 6T_5.2
11 6-T_NTC 0.00 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 6T_NTC

1.2) Lung sample, UCSD-007

# Sample Conc. (ng/ul) Volume for 100ng (ul) H2O to 10ul MspI Mix Total Code
1 7-T_1.1 30.70 3.26 6.74 20.00 30.00 7T_1.1
2 7-T_1.2 30.70 3.26 6.74 20.00 30.00 7T_1.2
3 7-T_2.1 44.60 2.24 7.76 20.00 30.00 7T_2.1
4 7-T_2.2 44.60 2.24 7.76 20.00 30.00 7T_2.2
5 7-T_3.1 35.90 2.79 7.21 20.00 30.00 7T_3.1
6 7-T_3.2 35.90 2.79 7.21 20.00 30.00 7T_3.2
7 7-T_4.1 33.80 2.96 7.04 20.00 30.00 7T_4.1
8 7-T_4.2 33.80 2.96 7.04 20.00 30.00 7T_4.2
9 7-T_5.1 20.40 4.90 5.10 20.00 30.00 7T_5.1
10 7-T_5.2 20.40 4.90 5.10 20.00 30.00 7T_5.2
11 7-T_NTC 0.00 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 7T_NTC

Msp I reaction Mix

Components 1x rxn 24 rxn Mix
MspI (10U/ul) 2.00 48.00
10x Tango Buffer 3.00 72.00
1ng/ul unmeth-lambda DNA 1.00 24.00
H2O 14.00 336.00
Total 20.00

- Aliquot MspI reaction mix to 8-tube strip. 65ul for tube #1-3, #6-8 and 44ul for tube #4-5

- Add H2O to each tube
- Add 100ng of DNA to each tube
- Add 20ul of MspI reaction Mix to each tube and pipette few times
- Spin down the tubes
- Mix by gentle pulse-vortexing on PCR rack 10x
- Spin down the tubes
- 37C, O/N (~h) --> 65C, 20min --> hold at 4C (set heat lid)

2) End-repair/dA-tailing

- Mix 26ul of Klenow exo- with 26ul of dA:dC:dG (stock 20mM:2mM:2mM) just right before adding to MspI digested DNA
- Aliquot Klenow, exo- and dA:dC:dG mix to 8-tube strip. 7ul for tube #1-3, #6-8 and 5ul for tube #4-6

- Add 2ul of Klenow, exo- and dA:dC:dG mix to each tube of MspI digested DNA with multichannel pipette. Pipette few times
- Spin down the tube
- Mix by gentle pulse-vortexing on PCR rack 10x
- Spin down the tube
- 30C, 20min --> 37C, 20min --> hold at 4C (no heat lid)
- 75C, 10min --> hold at 4C (heat lid on)
  • Before set up ligation reaction, purify end-repaired DNA with 2x volume AMPure beads (64ul each) and resuspend the bead with 20ul EB buffer

AMPure bead purification

- Freshly prepare 10mL of 75% EtOH by mixing 7.5mL of 100% EtOH with 2.5mL of H2O (prepare when the tubes sit on magnet)
- Aliquot 1500ul of AMPure beads in 30mL reservoir tube and leave at RT

- Add 64ul AMPure bead with multichannel pipette. Mix by pipetting 10x
- Wait for 30min
- Transfer to sit on magnet for 5min
- Wash twice with 180ul freshly prepared 75% EtOH
- After adding 75% EtOH (1st time), wait for 30sec before pipetting up & down 5x
- Remove all 75% EtOH
- Dry the bead for 20min
- Resuspend with 20 EB Buffer (keep the beads in the tubes!)