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Summary of RRBS sequencing libraries and their corresponding index


HiSeq Rapid run at IGM ( XXXXXX)

Original Library ID Library ID (for sequencing) Sample ID TruSeq Index Sequencing platform/at Lane # Inout DNA amount (ng) Note
NP-RRBS-6T_set1_100ng-Jun28 NP_RRBS_6T_100ng_20140628 6-T-1_1 1 Rapid run/IGM 1 100 Solid tumor tissue from UCSD-006 project
NP-RRBS-6T_set1_100ng-Jun28 NP_RRBS_6T_100ng_20140628 6-T-2_2 4 Rapid run/IGM 1 100 Solid tumor tissue from UCSD-006 project
NP-RRBS-6T_set1_100ng-Jun28 NP_RRBS_6T_100ng_20140628 6-T-3_1 5 Rapid run/IGM 1 100 Solid tumor tissue from UCSD-006 project
NP-RRBS-6T_set1_100ng-Jun28 NP_RRBS_6T_100ng_20140628 6-T-4_1 7 Rapid run/IGM 1 100 Solid tumor tissue from UCSD-006 project
NP-RRBS-6T_set1_100ng-Jun28 NP_RRBS_6T_100ng_20140628 6-T-5_1 25 Rapid run/IGM 1 100 Solid tumor tissue from UCSD-006 project
NP-RRBS-6T-set2_100ng-Jun28 NP_RRBS_6T_100ng_20140628 6-T-1_2 2 Rapid run/IGM 1 100 Solid tumor tissue from UCSD-006 project
NP-RRBS-6T-set2_100ng-Jun28 NP_RRBS_6T_100ng_20140628 6-T-2_1 23 Rapid run/IGM 1 100 Solid tumor tissue from UCSD-006 project
NP-RRBS-6T-set2_100ng-Jun28 NP_RRBS_6T_100ng_20140628 6-T-3_2 6 Rapid run/IGM 1 100 Solid tumor tissue from UCSD-006 project
NP-RRBS-6T-set2_100ng-Jun28 NP_RRBS_6T_100ng_20140628 6-T-5_2 10 Rapid run/IGM 1 100 Solid tumor tissue from UCSD-006 project
NP-RRBS-6T-4_2-set2_100ng-Jun28 NP_RRBS_6T_100ng_20140628 6-T-4_2 8 Rapid run/IGM 1 100 Solid tumor tissue from UCSD-006 project
NP-RRBS-7T_set1_100ng-Jun28 NP_RRBS_7T_100ng_20140628 7-T-1_1 13 Rapid run/IGM 2 100 Solid tumor tissue from UCSD-007 project
NP-RRBS-7T_set1_100ng-Jun28 NP_RRBS_7T_100ng_20140628 7-T-2_1 15 Rapid run/IGM 2 100 Solid tumor tissue from UCSD-007 project
NP-RRBS-7T_set1_100ng-Jun28 NP_RRBS_7T_100ng_20140628 7-T-3_1 27 Rapid run/IGM 2 100 Solid tumor tissue from UCSD-007 project
NP-RRBS-7T_set1_100ng-Jun28 NP_RRBS_7T_100ng_20140628 7-T-4_1 19 Rapid run/IGM 2 100 Solid tumor tissue from UCSD-007 project
NP-RRBS-7T_set1_100ng-Jun28 NP_RRBS_7T_100ng_20140628 7-T-5_1 21 Rapid run/IGM 2 100 Solid tumor tissue from UCSD-007 project
NP-RRBS-7T_set2_100ng-Jun28 NP_RRBS_7T_100ng_20140628 7-T-1_2 14 Rapid run/IGM 2 100 Solid tumor tissue from UCSD-007 project
NP-RRBS-7T_set2_100ng-Jun28 NP_RRBS_7T_100ng_20140628 7-T-2_2 16 Rapid run/IGM 2 100 Solid tumor tissue from UCSD-007 project
NP-RRBS-7T_set2_100ng-Jun28 NP_RRBS_7T_100ng_20140628 7-T-3_2 18 Rapid run/IGM 2 100 Solid tumor tissue from UCSD-007 project
NP-RRBS-7T_set2_100ng-Jun28 NP_RRBS_7T_100ng_20140628 7-T-4_2 20 Rapid run/IGM 2 100 Solid tumor tissue from UCSD-007 project
NP-RRBS-7T_set2_100ng-Jun28 NP_RRBS_7T_100ng_20140628 7-T-5_2 22 Rapid run/IGM 2 100 Solid tumor tissue from UCSD-007 project

HiSeq Rapid run at Illumina ( XXXXXX)

  • PE 100+7
  • Library prep
  • Need to double check with Dr. Zhang if he wants to sequence more plasma sequencing library from project UCSD-004-P (PC-P) and normal control (NC-P).
  • Dr. Zhang suggested to sequence more plasma libraries from previous batch
    • All NC-P libraries
    • PC-P-(2,3,4,8,10). However, I have used up sample PC-P-10 since it's conc. is very low. I need to include the whole pool including PC-P-10 sample for sequencing. Sample PC-P-8 is in anther pool. This mean that I need to sequence more 10 libraries of PC-P libraries instead of 5 libraries.
Original Library ID Library ID (for sequencing) Sample ID TruSeq Index Sequencing platform/at Lane Inout DNA amount (ng) Note
NP-RRBS-6P_1ng-Jun29 NP_RRBS_PCP-6P_1ng_20140709 6-P-1 13 Rapid run/ILMN 1 1 Plasma from UCSD-006 project
NP-RRBS-6P_1ng-Jun29 NP_RRBS_PCP-6P_1ng_20140709 6-P-2 14 Rapid run/ILMN 1 1 Plasma from UCSD-006 project
NP-RRBS-6P_1ng-Jun29 NP_RRBS_PCP-6P_1ng_20140709 6-P-3 15 Rapid run/ILMN 1 1 Plasma from UCSD-006 project
NP-RRBS-6P_1ng-Jun29 NP_RRBS_PCP-6P_1ng_20140709 6-P-4 16 Rapid run/ILMN 1 1 Plasma from UCSD-006 project
NP-RRBS-6P_1ng-Jun29 NP_RRBS_PCP-6P_1ng_20140709 6-P-5 27 Rapid run/ILMN 1 1 Plasma from UCSD-006 project
NP-RRBS-6P_1ng-Jun29 NP_RRBS_PCP-6P_1ng_20140709 6-P-6 18 Rapid run/ILMN 1 1 Plasma from UCSD-006 project
NP-RRBS-6P_1ng-Jun29 NP_RRBS_PCP-6P_1ng_20140709 6-P-7 19 Rapid run/ILMN 1 1 Plasma from UCSD-006 project
NP-RRBS-6P_1ng-Jun29 NP_RRBS_PCP-6P_1ng_20140709 6-P-8 20 Rapid run/ILMN 1 1 Plasma from UCSD-006 project
NP-RRBS-6P_1ng-Jun29 NP_RRBS_PCP-6P_1ng_20140709 6-P-9 21 Rapid run/ILMN 1 1 Plasma from UCSD-006 project
NP-RRBS-6P_1ng-Jun29 NP_RRBS_PCP-6P_1ng_20140709 6-P-10 22 Rapid run/ILMN 1 1 Plasma from UCSD-006 project
NP-RRBS-PC-P-1ng-p1-Jun20 NP_RRBS_PCP-6P_1ng_20140709 PC-P-1 1 Rapid run/ILMN 1 1 Plasma from UCSD-004 project
NP-RRBS-PC-P-1ng-p1-Jun20 NP_RRBS_PCP-6P_1ng_20140709 PC-P-2 2 Rapid run/ILMN 1 1 Plasma from UCSD-004 project
NP-RRBS-PC-P-1ng-p1-Jun20 NP_RRBS_PCP-6P_1ng_20140709 PC-P-3 4 Rapid run/ILMN 1 1 Plasma from UCSD-004 project
NP-RRBS-PC-P-1ng-p1-Jun20 NP_RRBS_PCP-6P_1ng_20140709 PC-P-4 5 Rapid run/ILMN 1 1 Plasma from UCSD-004 project
NP-RRBS-PC-P-1ng-p1-Jun20 NP_RRBS_PCP-6P_1ng_20140709 PC-P-5 6 Rapid run/ILMN 1 1 Plasma from UCSD-004 project
NP-RRBS-PC-P-1ng-p1-Jun20 NP_RRBS_PCP-6P_1ng_20140709 PC-P-6 7 Rapid run/ILMN 1 1 Plasma from UCSD-004 project
NP-RRBS-PC-P-1ng-p1-Jun20 NP_RRBS_PCP-6P_1ng_20140709 PC-P-7 8 Rapid run/ILMN 1 1 Plasma from UCSD-004 project
NP-RRBS-PC-P-1ng-p1-Jun20 NP_RRBS_PCP-6P_1ng_20140709 PC-P-10 12 Rapid run/ILMN 1 1 Plasma from UCSD-004 project
NP-RRBS-PC-P-1ng-p2-Jun20 NP_RRBS_PCP-6P_1ng_20140709 PC-P-8 10 Rapid run/ILMN 1 1 Plasma from UCSD-004 project
NP-RRBS-PC-P-1ng-p2-Jun20 NP_RRBS_PCP-6P_1ng_20140709 PC-P-9 11 Rapid run/ILMN 1 1 Plasma from UCSD-004 project
NP-RRBS-7P_1ng-Jun29 NP_RRBS_NCP-7P_1ng_20140709 7-P-1 1 Rapid run/ILMN 2 1 Plasma from UCSD-007 project
NP-RRBS-7P_1ng-Jun29 NP_RRBS_NCP-7P_1ng_20140709 7-P-2 2 Rapid run/ILMN 2 1 Plasma from UCSD-007 project
NP-RRBS-7P_1ng-Jun29 NP_RRBS_NCP-7P_1ng_20140709 7-P-3 4 Rapid run/ILMN 2 1 Plasma from UCSD-007 project
NP-RRBS-7P_1ng-Jun29 NP_RRBS_NCP-7P_1ng_20140709 7-P-4 5 Rapid run/ILMN 2 1 Plasma from UCSD-007 project
NP-RRBS-7P_1ng-Jun29 NP_RRBS_NCP-7P_1ng_20140709 7-P-5 6 Rapid run/ILMN 2 1 Plasma from UCSD-007 project
NP-RRBS-7P_1ng-Jun29 NP_RRBS_NCP-7P_1ng_20140709 7-P-6 7 Rapid run/ILMN 2 1 Plasma from UCSD-007 project
NP-RRBS-7P_1ng-Jun29 NP_RRBS_NCP-7P_1ng_20140709 7-P-7 8 Rapid run/ILMN 2 1 Plasma from UCSD-007 project
NP-RRBS-7P_1ng-Jun29 NP_RRBS_NCP-7P_1ng_20140709 7-P-8 10 Rapid run/ILMN 2 1 Plasma from UCSD-007 project
NP-RRBS-7P_1ng-Jun29 NP_RRBS_NCP-7P_1ng_20140709 7-P-9 11 Rapid run/ILMN 2 1 Plasma from UCSD-007 project
NP-RRBS-7P_1ng-Jun29 NP_RRBS_NCP-7P_1ng_20140709 7-P-10 12 Rapid run/ILMN 2 1 Plasma from UCSD-007 project
NP-RRBS-NC-P-1ng-p1-Jun20 NP_RRBS_NCP-7P_1ng_20140709 NC-P-2 14 Rapid run/ILMN 2 1 Normal control plasma from Kang Zhang's lab
NP-RRBS-NC-P-1ng-p1-Jun20 NP_RRBS_NCP-7P_1ng_20140709 NC-P-3 15 Rapid run/ILMN 2 1 Normal control plasma from Kang Zhang's lab
NP-RRBS-NC-P-1ng-p1-Jun20 NP_RRBS_NCP-7P_1ng_20140709 NC-P-5 16 Rapid run/ILMN 2 1 Normal control plasma from Kang Zhang's lab
NP-RRBS-NC-P-1ng-p1-Jun20 NP_RRBS_NCP-7P_1ng_20140709 NC-P-6 27 Rapid run/ILMN 2 1 Normal control plasma from Kang Zhang's lab
NP-RRBS-NC-P-1ng-p2-Jun20 NP_RRBS_NCP-7P_1ng_20140709 NC-P-1 13 Rapid run/ILMN 2 1 Normal control plasma from Kang Zhang's lab
NP-RRBS-NC-P-1ng-p2-Jun20 NP_RRBS_NCP-7P_1ng_20140709 NC-P-7 18 Rapid run/ILMN 2 1 Normal control plasma from Kang Zhang's lab
NP-RRBS-NC-P-1ng-p2-Jun20 NP_RRBS_NCP-7P_1ng_20140709 NC-P-8 19 Rapid run/ILMN 2 1 Normal control plasma from Kang Zhang's lab
NP-RRBS-NC-P-1ng-p2-Jun20 NP_RRBS_NCP-7P_1ng_20140709 NC-P-9 20 Rapid run/ILMN 2 1 Normal control plasma from Kang Zhang's lab