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E-gel size selection for mouse microbiome PCR product
- Unspecific PCR amplicon leads to sequencing failure in previous Genewiz results.
- Review all of previous candidates PCR amplicons. Perform E-gel size selection for band purification.
E-gel 2% agarose gel size selection
- Prepare the clean PCR tubes for collection
- Set up E-gel machine. Open a new gel and remove the comb. Assemble the gel into the machine.
- Load 20uL PCR products into each of the upper row wells. Load 6uL diluted ladder in the "M"-well. filled up the empty well with 20uL diH2O (low quality H2O is fine)
- Fill up 20uL of nuclease-free H2O in the (lower row) collecting wells and 6~10 uL H2O for the "M" well.