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qPCR with CHR8 primer using pfu Cx polymerase on bisulfite converted GM12878 gDNA
Component | amount per reaction |
distilled water | 35.6 |
10x pfuturbo cx reaction buffer | 5 |
dNTPs(10mM each DNTP) | 1 |
DNA template | 1 |
CHR8 F primer 3.3uM | 3 |
CHR8 R primer 3.3um | 3 |
sybr green 50x | 0.4 |
pfuturbo cx hotstart dna polymerase 2.5U/ul | 1 |
total reaction volume | 50 |
- Perform Manufacturer protocol for PfuTurbo Cx Hotstart DNA Polymerase
95C 2m 95C 30s 52C 30s 72C 2m Plate Read Go to step 2 repeat for 29 times 72C 10m 15C hold