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circularization of cosmic 3760[edit]
T7 exonuclease digestion[edit]
add 2ul T7 exonuclease (10u/ul) in each tube. 25C 1h. Purify with Qiaquick column. Elute in 30ul ddH2O. Measure with nanodrop. Take 4ul to run the TBU gel.
template 30ul 10x Ampligase Buffer 5ul Circlehelper(10uM) 0.25ul dNTP(10mM) 0.5ul Stoffel fragment( ) 0.5ul Ampligase 1ul ddH2O ul 94C 3min -> 5 cycles X (94C 30sec -> 60C 10mins) -> 4C .
check product on TBU gel and do PAGE purification of digested product.