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To perform bisulfite reads mapping with bisReadMapper
Know where the following files and software are:
1) Reference index 2) soap or bowtie2 currently I have bowtie2 running with --fast setting, which seems to be a lot slower than soap. this setting may be changed to --very-fast in the future for mapping BSPP data. 3) samtools 4) reads (do not need to copy the reads to the current directory, nor concatenate them) 5) Methylation pipeline scripts.
Master shell script: 1 - perform mapping.
# This master script process bisulfite reads. # Change this to use the correct reference genome. Either bisHg19 or bisMm9 # Change /home/ddiep/scripts to the correct path of the MethylationPipeline. My_ref="/projects/zhang-lab/ddiep/bisHg19" bisReadMapper="/home/ddiep/scripts/MethylationPipeline/bisReadMapper_Bowtie2.pl" for f in list_* do g=`echo $f | sed 's/list_//g'` /home/ddiep/scripts/MethylationPipeline/wBOWTIE/submitBSPPMapJobs.pl $g $My_ref $bisReadMapper < $f done # now we need to check that all jobs finished without error.
- To run this master script, we need to be in the working directory and we need to create "list_SAMPLENAME" files. Each list file is simply a list of the location and names of all the reads files:
For single end: /projects/zhang-lab/ddiep/TEST/s_6_1_Indx10.txt /projects/zhang-lab/ddiep/TEST/s_6_2_Indx10.txt For paired end: /projects/zhang-lab/ddiep/TEST/s_6_1_Indx10.txt /projects/zhang-lab/ddiep/TEST/s_6_2_Indx10.txt
- Command to run:
sh Go.mapBisulfiteReads.sh