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Probe Set Prep (Started 3/26/2013)[edit]

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Ethanol Precipitation (From 3/26/2013)[edit]

 4. Centrifuge at 3000 rpm for 30 min, 4 C
 5. Remove Supernatant and add 600 uL chilled 75% EtOH
 6. Transfer DNA pellet to a 1.5 mL tube
 7. Spin at 14000 rpm for 5 min
 8. Dry the pellet in the hood and resuspend with 100 uL ddH2O
 9. Run 2 Qiaquick columns per sample, elute with 40 uL for each column
 10. Pool samples (16 columns -> 8 samples)
 11. Measure concentration with nanodrop
Probe ng/uL uL ng
V4S1 36.4 80 2912
V4S2 139.7 80 11176
V4S3 76.2 80 6096
V4S4 47.8 80 3824
V6S1 84.4 80 6752
V6S2 111.9 80 8952
V6S3 131.4 80 10512
V6S4 106.9 80 8552