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FISH Slide Preparation

1. Rinse slides in 100% ethanol; allow slides to dry completely
2. Prepare a cell suspension of 500 000-2 000 000 cells/mL in growth media
3. Add 100 uL of cell suspension per slide roughly in the center
4. Allow cells to adhere for 1-3 hours at the growth temp of the cell line
5. Rinse slides briefly in 1X PBS
6. Fix slides for 5-15 minutes in 4% (v/v) paraformaldehyde in 1X PBS
7. Rinse briefly in 1X PBS in a coplin jar
8. Incubate for 5 minutes in 2X SSCT
9. Incubate for 5 minutes in 2X SSCT + 50% (v/v) formamide
10. Transfer to fresh container of 2X SSCT + 50% (v/v) formamide for storage at 4C
11. Slides are typically best used within 1-2 weeks of creation

S1 Probe Preparation

Making a new batch of S1 probe, since I have the other three.

PCR Amplification

1. Reaction Table
  20 nM OligoPool 2X Kapa SYBR qPCR MM 100 uM AP1V41U 100 uM AP2V4 100 uM AP1V61U 100 uM AP2V6 2 mM aa-dUTP H20 Total Volume
per rxn 0.2 50 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 2.5 45.7 100
V4S2 (12.5x) 2.5 625 5 5 0 0 31 581.5 1250
V6S2 (12.5x) 2.5 625 0 0 5 5 31 581.5 1250
2. Aliquot 100 uL into each of 12 qPCR tubes 
3. PCR protocol:
    i. PCR 3 min 95C
    ii. 95C 3 sec
    iii. 55C 30 sec 
    iv. 72C 20 sec
    v. plate read
    vi. goto ii x17
    vii. 72C 2 min
    viii. 16C hold
4. Pooled 3 samples together each (300 uL each, 4 pools per set, 8 total)
5. Column Purification, elute with 40 uL EB
6. Measure concentrations in nanodrop

qPCR Results

Nanodrop Results