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Mock HL155 (Started 9/9/2013)
High Deletion Rate Test
Checking the results from the previous run by redoing the data, this time using a lower substitution rate and a higher deletion rate. Substitutions: 0.05%, Insertions: 0.26%, Deletions, 1.01%.
1. MockHL155_Master.m, Switch 2 2. scp v4s1_v4s1_mockseq_error_losubhidel.fq djacobse@ 3. hl155bash.sh 4. perl imp_count_mismatch.plx (Matt's error counting script)
Alignment Results
2959000 reads; of these: 2959000 (100.00%) were unpaired; of these: 523061 (17.68%) aligned 0 times 2431720 (82.18%) aligned exactly 1 time 4219 (0.14%) aligned >1 times 82.32% overall alignment rate
So much poorer alignment than high substitutions, but still overall a high rate.
Error Counting Results
Error Rate: 0.523% Error Rate of Insertions: 0.252% Error Rate of Deletions: 0.016% Error Rate of Substitutions: 0.255%
Errors Bases 30 to 50
Rewrote part of the fastq error generating script to choose ranges of bases to have wrong. Can now insert errors wherever we please at any percentage we want. I selected the error to be the same percentages as the mimic data, but only from bases 30 to 50.
1. MockHL155_Master.m, Switch 5 2. scp djacobse@ 3. hl155bash.sh 4. perl imp_count_mismatch.plx (Matt's error counting script)
Alignment Results
2959000 reads; of these: 2959000 (100.00%) were unpaired; of these: 34339 (1.16%) aligned 0 times 2919032 (98.65%) aligned exactly 1 time 5629 (0.19%) aligned >1 times 98.84% overall alignment rate