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Rolonies with fresh cells (96well plate)[edit]
- Start (10/17)
- End RCA : 1:30pm 10/19
- 16bit 2048 x 2048 images
- Not good : there are rolonies, but almost no ACTB --> Max Projection image 1st Rolonies, ACTB
- Cells in 6 out of 8 wells don’t look good, they were detached, less cells in wells.. WHY? Something happened when fixing?
- Cells were aggregated or became chunk… --> need to mix when split
- Fixing two step : 37% Formalin --> 10% Formalin
- The very first protocol was two step fixing, but Jonathan has been doing one step (10% Formalin), and in their manuscript as well.
- But… I want to try two step fixing and compare to one step fixing…