Blue:RNA-Seq Experiments:01282014

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RNA-Seq Library Information[edit]

Library ID Samples Input RNA TSO Primer Bar Code Primers Bar Code Primer 2 Type of Seq Reads Library Conc
BL_totoRNAseq_10pgUHRR_Jan28 huNu 1.23.2014 1ng sorted pool - 0.1U Rnase3 TSO.r06 T20VN_PE_R N2.id81 totoRNAseq
huNu 1.23.2014 1ng sorted pool - 0.075U Rnase3 TSO.r06 T20VN_PE_R N2.id82 totoRNAseq
huNu 1.23.2014 1ng sorted pool - 0.05U Rnase3 TSO.r06 T20VN_PE_R N2.id83 totoRNAseq
huNu 1.23.2014 1ng sorted pool - 0.025U Rnase3 TSO.r06 T20VN_PE_R N2.id84 totoRNAseq
huNu 1.23.2014 1ng hand-cut - 0.1U Rnase3 TSO.r06 T20VN_PE_R N2.id85 totoRNAseq
huNu 1.23.2014 1ng hand-cut - 0.075U Rnase3 TSO.r06 T20VN_PE_R N2.id86 totoRNAseq
huNu 1.23.2014 1ng hand-cut - 0.05U Rnase3 TSO.r06 T20VN_PE_R N2.id87 totoRNAseq
huNu 1.23.2014 1ng hand-cut - 0.025U Rnase3 TSO.r06 T20VN_PE_R N2.id88 totoRNAseq
huNu 1.28.2014 1ng sorted pool - 0.1U Rnase3 TSO.r06 T20VN_PE_R N2.id89 totoRNAseq
huNu 1.28.2014 1ng sorted pool - 0.075U Rnase3 TSO.r06 T20VN_PE_R N2.id90 totoRNAseq
huNu 1.28.2014 1ng sorted pool - 0.05U Rnase3 TSO.r06 T20VN_PE_R N2.id91 totoRNAseq
huNu 1.28.2014 1ng sorted pool - 0.025U Rnase3 TSO.r06 T20VN_PE_R N2.id92 totoRNAseq
huNu 1.28.2014 1ng hand-cut - 0.1U Rnase3 TSO.r06 T20VN_PE_R N2.id93 totoRNAseq
huNu 1.28.2014 1ng hand-cut - 0.075U Rnase3 TSO.r06 T20VN_PE_R N2.id94 totoRNAseq
huNu 1.28.2014 1ng hand-cut - 0.05U Rnase3 TSO.r06 T20VN_PE_R N2.id95 totoRNAseq
huNu 1.28.2014 1ng hand-cut - 0.025U Rnase3 TSO.r06 T20VN_PE_R N2.id96 totoRNAseq
  • Primer sequences [1]
  • huNu sorted for Fluidigm C1 runs on 01.23.14 and 01.28.14
  • RNA was extracted from matched whole brain tissue (area corresponding to huNu) or 100,000 sorted NeuN+ nuclei using Zymo MicroRNA Kit


  • To provide pooled RNA-seq libraries of human brain section/sorted nuclei for comparison with Fluidigm C1 single nuclei libraries

RNAseIII-Fragmented Library Preparation[edit]

2ng/ul RNA 0.5ul
1:10E4 ERCC 0.2ul
0.1uM T20VN 0.1ul
dH2O 0.2ul
Total 1ul

Incubate @ 72C 3 min
Incubate @ 37C 1 min

10x RNaseIII buffer 0.2ul
RNase III 0.1ul, 0.075ul, 0.05ul, or 0.025ul
dH20 0.7ul, 0.725ul, 0.75ul, 0.775ul
Total 2ul

Incubate @ 37C 1min

3' Tailing
fRNA 2ul
5x RT buffer 0.5ul
1mM ATP 0.5ul
600U/ul Affymetrix PAP 0.2ul
40U/ul Rnase Inhibitor 0.2ul
dH2O 0.6ul
Total 4ul

Incubate @ 37C 10 min
Add 1ul of 0.1uM T20VN

Reverse Transcription
5xRT Buffer 1.5ul
10mM dNTP Mix 1ul
100mM DTT 0.25ul
Betaine (5M) 2ul
Smarter MMLV (200U/ul) 0.25ul
Total 10ul

Incubate @ 42C 30 min

Beads Purification
  1. Add 15ul beads per well
  2. Allow to bind 15 min, combine wells
  3. Remove supernatant and wash 2x with 1ml 80% EtOH
  4. Air Dry 10min or until cracking first occurs
  5. Resuspend beads in 6ul dH2O, incubate 2min, transfer to new tube; vacuspin to 3ul

TSO Reaction
Purified cDNA 3ul
5x RT buffer [MMLV] 2ul
10mM dNTP mix 1ul
100mM DTT 0.25ul
10uM TSO 1ul
Betaine (5M) 2ul
RNase Inhibitor 0.25ul
Smarter MMLV 0.5ul
Total 10ul

Incubate @42C 10min
Incubate @70C 10min

PCR (PhusionHF)
TSO Reaction 10ul
2x Buffer 25ul
10uM P1-STRT 1ul
10uM PCR_R_N2_id 1ul
H2O 13ul
Total 50ul

98C 30 sec
98C 15s -> 58C 20s -> 72C 30s 6x
98C 10s -> 72C 20s 9x (1ng)
72C, 5min

Results of Amplification[edit]

  • Run 5ul on gel:

File:01282014 PCR1 Gel1.jpg

Results: 0.1U of RNAseIII (id 81, 85, 89, 93) appears to over fragment this RNA. Anywhere from 0.075 to 0.025 units seems to be effective - sequencing will be needed to determine with condition is best.

Final Library Preparation[edit]

  • Beads purified twice at (0.8x), re-suspended in 10ul
  • PCR on 0.5ul each library using ILMN_PCR_F and either ERCC130R227 or ERCC130R964.

  • Results: