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Secondary Rolony Generation for Padlock Probe Concentration Test


  • 96 well plate containing NCIH-1975 cells fixed by Hosuk
  • Location and save location of 12 position in 96 well plate for the experiment
  • High Concentration(100pM)-

Anneal Padlock Probes for 24 hours

  1. 1X Ampligase Buffer
  2. Various padlock probe concentration
  3. 0.5 U/ul Ampligase
  4. Incubate @ 45C for 24 hours
  5. Wrapped in parafilm and put in ziploc with wet towel

Group1 C3(1),D3(2), F3(13), C5(4)

File:Ppconcentration NCHI1975 Group1.jpg

Group2 F8(15), F5(14), F6(7), E6(8)

Group3 C6(9), C7(10), E7(11), F7(12)