Revision as of 05:03, 29 November 2014 by >Noi
Comparison of the efficiency between TruSeq adaptor and a customized unmethylated Y-adaptor with UMI
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- Dr. Zhang wanted to compare the efficiency of standard adaptor and a customized Y-adaptor with UMI for generating sequencing libraries using KAPA Hyper Prep kit. In this experiment, I used TruSeq adaptor to represent standard adaptor.
- In addition to compare between the two versions of adaptor, I also compare between a half reaction volume (30ul of end-repair/A-tailing and 55ul of ligation reaction) and a full reaction (60ul of end-repair/A-tailing and 110ul of ligation reaction) following the reaction set up of the instruction from KAPA. The reason is that the reaction is optimum for DNA input between 1ng-1ug. My experiment uses 1ng of input, so I think that the enzymes/and reagents should be more than enough. I therefore set up a half reaction volume to save the reagents and the concentrations of all components are still the same.
- I received top and bottom oligos to generated Y-adaptor --> final conc. 15uM to be equivalent to the concentration of TruSeq adaptor
Annealing of Y-adaptor
Component Volume (ul)
SG_Adt.top_v1 (100uM) 30.00
SG_Adt.bottom_v3 (100uM) 30.00
10X Stoffel Buffer 20.00
H2O 120.00
Total 200.00
I split 100ul to 2X of 0.2mL PCR tube and incubate at the following templarature
95C, 5min --> -0.1C/s to 20C --> hols at 20C, 5min and put on ice
Sample list
No Sample IDs Conc. (ng/ul)
#1 6P-2 1.10
#2 6P-3 1.57
#3 7P-2 1.14
- Note: I will reduce the reaction volume to be half of the instruction and reduce the reagent volume/amount proportionally.
- I set up one reaction of sample 7P-2 in a full reaction volume for comparison
- KAPA Hyper Prep reaction set up (exactly in the instruction):
- - 50ul of fragmented DNA
- - 7ul of End repair & dA-tailing buffer
- - 3ul of End repair & dA-tailing enzyme mix
- - Total reaction: 60ul
End repair & dA-tailing
Sample IDs Adaptor Reaction volume Tube #
6P-2 TruS half rxn #1
6P-3 TruS half rxn #2
7P-2 TruS half rxn #3
NTC TruS half rxn #4
6P-2 UMI half rxn #5
6P-3 UMI half rxn #6
7P-2 UMI half rxn #7
NTC UMI half rxn #8
7P-2 TruS full rxn #9
TruS = TruSeq adaptor
UMI = customized unmethylated Y-adaptor with UMI
Tube #3 and #9 will be compared the effect the reaction volume.
End repair & dA-tailing reaction mix
half rxn
10.2x rxn
End repair/dA-tailing buffer |
7.00 |
3.50 |
End repair/dA-tailing enzyme mix |
3.00 |
1.50 |
Total |
10.00 |
5.00 |
Reaction set up
Sample IDs
Conc. (ng/ul)
Volume for 1ng (ul)
End repair/dA-tailing rxn mix
H2O (ul)
Total (ul)
6P-2 |
1.10 |
0.91 |
5.00 |
24.09 |
6P-3 |
1.57 |
0.64 |
5.00 |
24.36 |
7P-2 |
1.14 |
0.88 |
5.00 |
24.12 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
5.00 |
25.00 |
6P-2 |
1.10 |
0.91 |
5.00 |
24.09 |
6P-3 |
1.57 |
0.64 |
5.00 |
24.36 |
7P-2 |
1.14 |
0.88 |
5.00 |
24.12 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
5.00 |
25.00 |
7P-2 |
1.14 |
0.88 |
10.00 |
49.12 |
- - Mix well
- - 20C, 30min
- - 65C, 30min,
- - Hold 4C
- - Proceed to Adaptor ligation immediately
Adaptor ligation
Adaptor ligation reaction mix
- I prepare the new tube of 1:20 diluted TruSeq adaptor (conc. after dilution = 714nM) Index3. Since Dr. Zhang does not want to sequence the library, I just used the same barcoded adaptor for all samples.
- I also diluted a customized Y-adaptore 1:20 with 1X Stoffel buffer to be easier for ligation reaction mix prep.
- I prepared two tube of ligation reaction mix containing TruSeq adaptor and customized adaptore with UMI
half rxn
4.1x rxn
Ligation buffer |
30.00 |
15.00 |
DNA ligase |
10.00 |
5.00 |
H2O |
8.00 |
4.00 |
Total |
48.00 |
24.00 |
1:20 diluted adaptor (714nM) |
2.00 |
1.00 |
Total |
50.00 |
25.00 |
- Final conc. of adaptor in ligation reaction is 13.64nM (the kit recommends 14nM)
Adaptor ligation reaction set up
Volume (ul)
End repair & dA-tailing rxn product |
Adaptor ligation rxn mix |
Total |
- For a full reaction, I add reagent directly to the tube woth 2ul of 1:20 diluted adaptor
- - Add 25ul of adaptor ligation reaction mix
- - Mix well
- - 20C, 15min
- - Continue to SPRI clean up immediately
1X AMPure bead purification
- The instruction suggested to use 0.8X of AMPure bead for clean up, but I use 1X of AMPure bead
- Aliquot AMPure bead in 1.5mL tube and leave at RT
- - Add 55ul AMPure bead for a half reaction and 110ul for a full reaction. Mix by pipetting 10x
- - Sit for 15min
- - Transfer to sit on magnet for 5min
- - Wash twice with 200ul freshly prepared 80% EtOH
- - Dry the bead for 3-5min
- - Resuspend with 25ul EB buffer
- I prepared 2 tubes of PCR mix for primer pairs of TruSeq adaptor and a customized adaptor with UMI
1X 50ul rxn
10ul rxn
6 rxn
Adaptor ligated DNA |
20.00 |
2.00 |
2X KAPA HiFi Hotstart ReadyMix |
25.00 |
5.00 |
10uM TruS F/R or 10uM SG_PCR F/RInd1 |
1.50 |
0.30 |
50X SYBR |
0.40 |
0.08 |
H2O |
3.10 |
2.62 |
Total |
50.00 |
10.00 |
- I used less of DNA template than the instruction
- - Aliquot 8 + 2ul adaptor ligated DNA
- - Mix well
- 98C for 45sec --> [98C for 15sec -> 60C for 30sec -> 72C for 30sec] X 10 --> 72C for 1min
File:2014-11-27 qPCR-TruSeqAdaptor-10x.PNG File:2014-11-27 qPCR-CustomUMIAdaptor-10x.PNG
- - Verify 4ul of PCR product in 6% TBE gel
File:ZhangLab 2 2014-11-27 14hr 44min KAPAHyper TruS-CustomUMI-10x v2.jpg
- Dr. Zhang thought that there should be something about the number of annealed adaptor molecules even I used the same concentration for annealing. The present of 125bp adaptor dimers in TruSeq adaptor but very faint in customized adaptor could also partially contribute to qPCR curve.
- He suggested me to repeat experiment using one plasma DNA sample and use1X, 2X and 4X of customized adaptor.
Repeat WGS library prep by varying concentration of customized adaptor in ligation reaction
- I used sample PCP-3 for this experiment as it has total amount more than 30ng.
- Conc. o fPCP-3 = 1.36ng/ul
Sample IDs Adaptor Adaptor amount Tube #
PCP-3 TruS 1X 1
PCP-3 UMI 1X 2
PCP-3 UMI 2X 3
PCP-3 UMI 4X 4
End repair & dA-tailing
End repair & dA-tailing reaction mix
half rxn
4.2x rxn
End repair/dA-tailing buffer |
7.00 |
3.50 |
End repair/dA-tailing enzyme mix |
3.00 |
1.50 |
Total |
10.00 |
5.00 |
Reaction set up
Sample IDs
Conc. (ng/ul)
Volume for 1ng (ul)
End repair/dA-tailing rxn mix
H2O (ul)
PCP-3_TruS |
1.36 |
0.74 |
5.00 |
PCP-3_1x |
1.36 |
0.74 |
5.00 |
PCP-3_2X |
1.36 |
0.74 |
5.00 |
PCP-3_4X |
1.36 |
0.74 |
5.00 |
- - Mix well
- - 20C, 30min
- - 65C, 30min,
- - Hold 4C
- - Proceed to Adaptor ligation immediately
Adaptor ligation
Adaptor ligation reaction mix
- I used TruSeq adaptor prepare on 2014-11-25 (diluted 1:20, conc. 714nM)
- I diluted customized adaptor 1:20 by mixing 2ul of 15uM annealed adaptor (prepared on 2014-11-25) with 40ul of H2O.
half rxn
4.1x rxn
Ligation buffer |
30.00 |
15.00 |
DNA ligase |
10.00 |
5.00 |
H2O |
2.00 |
1.00 |
Total |
42.00 |
21.00 |
1:20 diluted adaptor (714nM) |
Varied |
Varied |
Total |
55.00 |
55.00 |
Sample IDs
End repair/dA-tailed DNA
1:20 diluted adaptor (714nM)
Ligation rxn mix
PCP-3_TruS |
30.00 |
3.00 |
1.00 |
TruS |
21.00 |
PCP-3_1x |
30.00 |
3.00 |
1.00 |
21.00 |
PCP-3_2X |
30.00 |
2.00 |
2.00 |
21.00 |
PCP-3_4X |
30.00 |
0.00 |
4.00 |
21.00 |
- - Add adaptor according to table above and 21ul of adaptor ligation reaction mix
- - Mix well
- - 20C, 15min
- - Continue to SPRI clean up immediately
1X AMPure bead purification
- The instruction suggested to use 0.8X of AMPure bead for clean up, but I use 1X of AMPure bead
- Aliquot AMPure bead in 1.5mL tube and leave at RT
- - Add 55ul AMPure bead for a half reaction and 110ul for a full reaction. Mix by pipetting 10x
- - Sit for 15min
- - Transfer to sit on magnet for 5min
- - Wash twice with 200ul freshly prepared 80% EtOH
- - Dry the bead for 3-5min
- - Resuspend with 25ul EB buffer
1X 50ul rxn
10ul rxn
6 rxn
Adaptor ligated DNA |
10.00 |
2.00 |
2X KAPA HiFi Hotstart ReadyMix |
25.00 |
5.00 |
10uM TruS F/R or 10uM SG_PCR F/RInd1 |
1.50 |
0.30 |
50X SYBR |
0.40 |
0.08 |
H2O |
13.10 |
2.62 |
Total |
50.00 |
10.00 |
- I split PCR mix into two tube and add primers for TruSeq adaptor (add 0.6ul of 10uM TruS F/R to 15.4ul of PCR mix and add 1.2ul of 10uM SG_PCR F/RInd1 to the left over PCR mix in the tube)
- - Aliquot 8 + 2ul adaptor ligated DNA
- - Mix well
- 98C for 45sec --> [98C for 15sec -> 60C for 30sec -> 72C for 30sec] X 9 --> 72C for 1min
- I stopped at 9 cycles to avoid amplification saturation for a precise comparison.
File:2014-11-28 qPCR-vary-customAdapt-9X 300nMprimer.PNG
- This time, the qPCR curve of 1X TruSeq and customized adaptor were pretty much the same which is different from previous experiment on 2014-11-25. I will look at gel image for comparison with qPCR curves.
- - Loaded 3ul of PCR product in 6% TBE gel
File:ZhangLab 2 2014-11-28 19hr 20min vary-custAdaptor 9X.jpg
- - I also did PAGE quantification to compare the yield of each condition
PAGE quantification result
Adaptor Relative intensity to TruSeq 1X (14nM)
TruS 1X 1.00
UMI 1X 0.71
UMI 2X 0.87
UMI 4X 1.05