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Sequence in situ Rolonies via in situ Slide PCR

  • Purpose: Sequence the rolonies in situ to quantify the contributions of each probe to the decoded rolonies
    • ie gene GNG4 has many rolonies but are they due to a single highly efficient probe or a number of different probes


  • Samples:
    • Exp: BA8 CA12k_Nov2014_V4 Captured Rolonies
    • NegCtrl: BA8 1st (cDNA) Rolonies (from old FISSEQ protocol)

Strip hybridized dye-probes with 80% formamide pre-heated to 80C

  • The tissue is on thin cover-slip placed on a glass slide
  • Take cover-slip off glass slide and put in small culture dish
  • Incubate for 15min at RT and then wash twice with 1X PBS

File:033115 SeqRolony Strip.JPG

Slide PCR

  • Make PCR Reaction Mix on ice
Components Volume 2X Volume
100uM SeqRolony_CL_Amplify 1 2
2X Taq Master Mix 50 100
H2O 49 98
Total 100 200
  • Place cover-slip on clean glass slide (tissue face up)
  • Use silicon isolator with circular opening to seal tissue
    • NegCtrl silicon had large gaps so used glue to glue all around the circle on bottom of silicon

File:033115 SeqRolony NegCtrl.JPG

    • Exp had very small leak so used glue to seal the edges of silicon

File:033115 SeqRolony ExpBefore.JPG

  • Add 100ul PCR mix and seal with plastic to prevent evaporation

File:033115 SeqRolony ExpAfter.JPG

  • Put on thermocycler with slide adapter
 Program 90C 3min -> (90C 20sec -> 58C 30sec -> 68C 45sec) x 20 -> 68C 2min -> 15C hold
  • Remove plastic seal and pipette solution into PCR tubes

File:033115 SeqRolony ExpExtract.JPG

    • NegCtrl had ~90ul (good) but Exp was completely dry (bad, probably leaked out as evidenced by white haze on glass slide outside of silicon)
  • Add 100ul H2O, let sit for 5min, and pipette into empty PCR tubes (to get more amplicon)
  • Final amount: 190ul NegCtrl and 100ul Exp

Add Sequencing Adapters

  • Qiagen PCR purification
    • Elute 40ul
  • Nanodrop ssDNA:
    • Exp: 0.6 ng/ul
    • NegCtrl: 2.2 ng/ul

PCR Test

Components 1X Volume 3X Volume
Slide PCR amplicon 11.7 0
SeqRolony_P5 0.4 1.2
SeqRolony_P7 0.4 1.2
2X KAPA SYBG MM 12.5 37.5
Total 25 60
  • Aliquot 13.3ul from 3X master mix and add 11.7ul slide amplicon
 98C 30s -> (98C 10s -> 52C 20s -> 72C 20s)x8 -> (98C 10s -> 72C 20s)x15 -> 72C 3min

File:033115 SeqRolony PCRTest.JPG

Gel Check

  • TBE Gel with 4ul sample + 4ul 6X Loading Dye
    • 0.5ul Low Mass Ladder

File:2015-04-01 SeqRolony PCRtest.jpg

  • Main bright band is the correct size (~225bp <- 150bp padlock probe + 75bp adapters)


Components 1X Volume 3X Volume
Slide PCR amplicon 5 0
SeqRolony_P5 0.4 1.2
SeqRolony_P7 0.4 1.2
2X KAPA SYBG MM 12.5 37.5
H2O 6.7 20.1
Total 25 60