Transformation Protocol

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Revision as of 23:17, 6 May 2015 by >YanWu
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  1. Ensure water bath at 42 C, warm SOC media in incubator at 37 C
  2. Add 200 ng DNA into each tube of 100 uL cells (1-5 uL vector). You want to use up all of your vector so as to get the best coverage.
  3. Incubate on ice for 30 minutes
  4. Heat-shock for 45 seconds @ 42 C
  5. Incubate on ice again for 2 minutes
  6. Rescue cells with 500 uL SOC per tube
  7. Shake at 37 C for 1 hr in incubator
  8. Spread up to 20 uL on at least 2 plates for each library. For control spread 100 uL on each plate, using at least 2 plates.
  9. Add all tubes into large culture flask (150 mL) grow overnight
  10. The next day, make at least 10 tubes of frozen stock from large culture and then maxi-prep