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Motor Neurons RNA FISH Dye Coupling

Probe Resuspension

  1. Resuspend each oligo in 15 uL nuclase-free H2O (1 mM)
  2. Take 2 uL from each oligo well and combine them in a single 1.5 mL tube (total concentration 1 mM)
    1. Store the remaining oligos at -20C
  3. Add 450 uL nuclase-free, diluting 10:1, for final concentration of 100 uM
    • Technically closer to 5:1 dilution but final result is closer to 10:1 because starting concentration is actually lower...
    • Goal is to get 1ug/ul DNA concentration
  4. Check concentration in nanodrop at 1:1, 5:1, and 10:1 dilutions for accuracy