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- liftover epigenetic annotation from hg18 to hg19
./liftOver Hic.topological.domain.hESC.hg18.bed hg18ToHg19.over.chain Hic.topological.domain.hESC.hg19.bed tmp ./liftOver Hic.topological.domain.IMR90.hg18.bed hg18ToHg19.over.chain Hic.topological.domain.IMR90.hg19.bed tmp ./liftOver Hic.boundary.IMR90.hg18.bed hg18ToHg19.over.chain Hic.boundary.IMR90.hg19.bed tmp ./liftOver Hic.boundary.hESC.hg18.bed hg18ToHg19.over.chain Hic.boundary.hESC.hg19.bed tmp ./liftOver Hic.common.boundary.hESC.IMR90.hg18.bed hg18ToHg19.over.chain Hic.common.boundary.hESC.IMR90.hg19.bed tmp
- Genomic region enrichment analysis
- code File:R20150831.BedEnrichment.txt
- Annotation Database:File:R20150831.BedEnrichment.Annaotation.Database.hg19.txt
- Tissue specific methylation haplotype region analysis
ID | Type |
Colon-primary-tumor | Tumor |
HCT116 | Tumor |
WB-centenarian | WB |
WB-middle-age | WB |
WB-new-born | WB |
STL002AO-01 | Vessel |
STL003AO-01 | Vessel |
STL001TH-01 | Thymus |
N37-Stomach | Stomach |
STL002GA-01 | Stomach |
STL001SX-01 | Spleen |
STL002SX-01 | Spleen |
STL003SX-01 | Spleen |
STL002PA-01 | Pancreas |
N37-Pancreas | Pancreas |
STL003PA-01 | Pancreas |
STL002OV-01 | Ovary |
N37-SM | muscle |
STL001PO-01 | muscle |
STL002PO-01 | muscle |
STL003PO-01 | muscle |
N37-Lung | Lung |
STL001LG-01 | Lung |
STL002LG-01 | Lung |
N37-Liver | Liver |
STL011LI-01 | Liver |
STL002AD-01 | Kidney |
STL003AD-01 | Kidney |
N37-SI | Intestine |
STL001SB-01 | Intestine |
STL002SB-01 | Intestine |
STL003SB-01 | Intestine |
N37-Heart | Heart |
STL001LV-01 | Heart |
STL001RV-01 | Heart |
STL003LV-01 | Heart |
STL003RA-01 | Heart |
STL003RV-01 | Heart |
methylC-seq-h1+bmp4-r1 | H1 |
methylC-seq-h1+bmp4-r2 | H1 |
methylC-seq-h1-mesendoderm-r1 | H1 |
methylC-seq-h1-mesendoderm-r2 | H1 |
methylC-seq-h1-msc-r1 | H1 |
methylC-seq-h1-msc-r2 | H1 |
methylC-seq-h1-npc-r1 | H1 |
methylC-seq-h1-npc-r2 | H1 |
methylC-seq-h1-r1 | H1 |
methylC-seq-h1-r2 | H1 |
STL001GA-01 | Gastric |
STL003GA-01 | Gastric |
STL001FT-01 | Fat cell |
STL002FT-01 | Fat cell |
STL003FT-01 | Fat cell |
STL002EG-01 | Esophagus |
STL003EG-01 | Esophagus |
N37-Colon | Colon |
STL001SG-01 | Colon |
STL003SG-01 | Colon |
N37-CRBL | Brain |
N37-FL | Brain |
STL001BL-01 | Bladder |