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Circularization Optimization Testing (Started 10-31-16)

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Sequencing Results

Sequenced Sample:Phusion-RCA product-Index 30 (Overnight Phusion) and Index 31 (2Hr Phusion Reaction)

Base Qualities

Prepared using Fastqc

In both indexes the quality of the bases drops dramatically after about 55bp, although there are still some with high base qualities in the 3' end of the reads. These reads became important later as they seem to be the principle reads that I can make any sense of.

Index 30 Sequence Analysis

Overall Statistics

From samtools idxstats (Total Reads-590207):

AmplificationProducti-Forward	221	486719	0

Aligned reads: 82%

Alignment Positions

Next I think it is important to get a picture of where the reads aligned. The following is a table created from the aligned reads by taking a tally of where on the reference (column 4) the reads aligned.

Alignment Position (on Reference) Counts Percent of Aligned Reads Alignment Position (on Reference) Counts Percent of Aligned Reads
1 386489 80.4 15 1264 0.3
2 16587 3.4 16 1192 0.2
3 11179 2.3 17 1380 0.3
4 9185 1.9 18 465 0.1
5 10926 2.3 19 273 0.1
6 17120 3.6 20 511 0.1
7 3906 0.8 21 755 0.2
8 6500 1.4 22 520 0.1
9 1034 0.2 23 340 0.0707
10 4785 1.0 24 179 0.0372
11 5689 1.2 25 66 0.0137
12 911 0.2 26 51 0.0106
13 2564 0.5 27 33 0.0069
14 2805 0.6 28 9 0.0019
15 1264 0.3 29 1 0.0002

From the table, it is clear that all of the reads align within the first 30bp of the reference, which corresponds to the AmpF region. The next step is to look at the alignment results more specifically. To do this I looked at the CIGAR strings (column 6) from the SAM table for different alignment positions. As an example I've included the first 10 alignments in the sam file.


A few things stick out. First, all of the cigar strings show the match in the latter half of the reads. Second, all of the qualities here are actually poor in the first few bases rather than the last few.

Next, we can look at the alignments near the far end. Since alignment 29 is only a single read (it is interesting, though) I've included the top results from alignment position 28 instead.


Most of the reads have the same garbage present in the first base-aligned reads. However, look at the bottom read (there are several like it). This has the matching region in the first 50bp and has consistent high quality throughout the read. I will continue talking about these reads in the next section.

Individual Alignments

Now I'm going to look at the actual composition of these reads. There are two main ways I can do this. The first is manually by splitting up interesting reads in excel. This is painstaking manual labor but valuable for learning. The second is using blast.

Read Name Ref Pos Start CIGAR Total Sequence Offset Seq1 Seq2 Seq3 Seq4 Seq5 Seq6 Seq7
Fragment Length->     121 29 8 18 8 18 10 18 6
Segment ID->       AmpF Barcode-Padlock0201 Primer2RC PCCB-RC primer6RC PolyT PCCB-Template Match Next 6 bp
M00159:76:000000000-AV6P3:1:1108:13422:14156 28 55M66S ACCACTCTCAGATGTTATCGAGGTCCGAC

The most important part here is that the bridge seems to be forming between the PCCB probe and the padlock. The circular product does not appear to contain the latch or A probe at all, but only contains the B probe and padlock.

Index 31 Sequence Analysis

Overall Statistics

From samtools idxstats (Total Reads-1349673):

AmplificationProducti-Forward	221	1053240	0

Alignment Percentage: 78%

Alignment Positions

Alignment Position (on Reference) Counts Percent of Aligned Reads Alignment Position (on Reference) Counts Percent of Aligned Reads
1 828175 78.6 15 2638 0.3
2 36858 3.5 16 2640 0.3
3 24997 2.4 17 2867 0.3
4 21234 2.0 18 984 0.1
5 24639 2.3 19 540 0.1
6 37771 3.6 20 1147 0.1
7 9018 0.9 21 1641 0.2
8 14488 1.4 22 1273 0.1
9 2144 0.2 23 851 0.1
10 11316 1.1 24 469 0.045
11 12873 1.2 25 151 0.014
12 2013 0.2 26 130 0.012
13 6004 0.6 27 83 0.008
14 6274 0.6 28 16 0.002
15 2638 0.3 29 6 0.001

Once again, the reads all align to the first 30bp (to start). So let's look at them more closely. The following are the reads aligned to position 1 of the fasta reference (completed amplicon from PCR).
