Version 2 Oligos Round 2 (Started Thurs Feb 2nd)
Looking back at the results from Friday, it would appear that none of the lanes show anything, not even the sample. So I did some digging, and I found this paper, which describes a more stable variant of streptavidin, including tests on the thermostability of biotin-conjugated oligonucleotides and streptavidin (as well as their new traptividin variant). The most relevant figure is examined in the gallery below.
- Chivers-Fig2A-StrepWestBlot.png
Western blot showing the streptavidin monomer and tetramer at various temperatures (3 min). Note that the tetramer starts degrading around 65-70C and only gets worse.
- Chivers-Fig2A-MonomerPct.png
Bar graph showing the calculated percentage fraction for the blot shown to the left. (1) and (2) indicate technical replicates
- Chivers-Fig2B-BiotinBinding.png
Western showing biotin-conjugated oligonucleotide binding at different temperatures (3 min). Percentage of free biotinylated DNA is given underneath each lane. Note that at 70C all biotin is free.