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Step 4: Adapter Removal
Exonuclease treatment
Done on 4/22/09
- Add in 3uL Lambda Exonuclease (5K/mL) for sample concentration around 100ng/uL NOTE: If sample too concentrated, dilute sample to about 100ng/uL per tube
- Add in (1/10 of total volume) 6uL 10X Exo buffer
- Incubate at37C 4h>90C 10m>4C hold Saved as program Alan>EXOAR
Purify the reaction with Quaquick columns
- Add 5X sample volume of PB buffer into each tube, mix well
- Load mixture onto column
- Centrifuge at 14,000rpm for 1min
- Discard flow through and add 750uL PE buffer to each column
- Repeat Centrifuge
- Discard flow through
- Repeat centrifuge
- Transfer columns to clean 1.5mL tubes
- Place the column/tube assemblies on bench top wait for 2min
- Add in 50uL ddH2O to each column (For nicking enzyme probes add in 100ul of ddH2O) let stand for 5 min
- Repeat centrifuge
- Measure concentration with Nanodrop
Incubation with USER enzyme:
- Add 5ul DpNII 10x buffer and 2 uL of USER (1K/ml)enzyme incubate for 2 hours on 37C.