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RNA allelotyping on hybrids[edit]

Exp. #3 Perform CES36k capturing experiment on ds-cDNAs[edit]

ds cDNA synthesis[edit]

*Samples:                                  Nanodrop
    • H1:Hybrid 1 p26: 1800ng/ul x 30ul 1393ng/ul
    • 1034-somatic: Egg donor somatic: 100ng/ul x 130ul 100.1ng/ul


    • H1: 240ng/ul x 100ul 175.5ng/ul
   Clean up and concentrate all RNAs with Zymo DNA-Free RNA kit
H1 1034s
RNA 3 43
10X Dnase I Buffer 5 5
Rnase-Free Dnase I 2 2
H2O 40 0
   37C 10min 
   Add 4 volumes of RNA binding buffer;
   Transfer to Zymo-spin columns in collection tubes, spin @15k rpm for 30s;
   Add 200ul RNA Wash buffer, spin @15k rpm for 30s;
   Add 10ul DNase/RNase-free water, spin @15k rpm for 30s;
   H1: 310.6ng/ul x 10ul
   1034s: 336.4ng/ul x 10ul 
   Reverse transcription 
H1 1034s
RNA 8 8
10mM dNTP 1 1
50uM dT12-18 1 1
  65C 5min -> chill on ice for 1min
	        H1	1034s
10X RT buffer	2	2
25mM MgC12	4	4
0.1M DTT	2	2
RnaseOUT	1	1
Superscript III	1	1
Incubate all tube at 50C for 50min.
  2nd strand synthesis saved under Alan>2ss
  5X 2nd strand buffer:  30ul         
  10mM dNTP               3ul       
  DNA Pol I(10U/ul)       4ul          
  RNase H(2U/ul)          1ul         
  H2O                    92ul       
  16C 2h -> 70C 10min -> add 2ul RNase I -> 37C 30min 
  Purified with MinElute columns.
   H1: 252.5ng/ul x 15ul
   1034s: 285.8ng/ul x 15ul

Sample volume TBE Buffer 6X Loading Dye Total Volume /4

H1+gDNA	14.73	        16	        28	        58.73	        14.68
1034+cDNA	27.75	        4	        28	        59.75	        14.94

RNA allelotyping on hybrids[edit]

Exp. #1 Perform CES36k capturing experiment on double stranded cDNAs[edit]

  • Probes: CES36k18bp, 590nM (prepared by Kun on 7/16/2010)
  • Target:Probe ratio=200. With 200ng cDNA template, we need 1.4ul of probes.

Sample	        ng/ul	Template Probes	10X Buffer  H2O
H1 (cDNA)	252.5	0.79	 1.4	1	    6.81
1034s (cDNA)	285.8	0.7	 1.4	1	    6.9
H1 (gDNA)	175.5	1.14	 1.4	1	    6.46

  • Add in two drops of mineral oil using P200 pipette
  • Spin down
    Saved under Kun KZ-S-MIP
    95c 30sec -> cool down to 60C at 0.1C/sec -> 60C 20h 
    -> add 1ul SLN mix(2U/ul AmpliTaq Stoffel fragment; 0.5U/ul AmpLigase; 50uM dNTP) 
     -> 60C 20h-> 94C 2min -> add 1ul Exo I/III mix-> 37C 1h -> 94C 2min -> 4C hold.
  • Perform one step qPCR using Indexing seq. primer
Captured DNA 1034s (cDNA)	10
2X Kapa SYBG qPCR Master Mix	50
100uM AmpF6.3Sol	        0.4
100uM AmpR6.3Ind11	        0.4
H2O	                        46
   98C 30S -> (98C 10S -> 58C 20S -> 72C 20S) x 6 -> (98C 10S -> 72C 20S) x40
   Monitoring the reactions and terminate the program right before the amplification curves reach the plateau.
  • Stop at cycle 12

File:ZhangLab 2 2010-08-19 12hr 33min.jpg

  • One step PCR worked well, move on with the 2 remaining samples
  • Perform one step qPCR using Indexing seq. primer
Captured DNA 1034s (cDNA)	10
2X Kapa SYBG qPCR Master Mix	50
100uM AmpF6.3Sol	        0.4
100uM AmpR6.3Ind*	        0.4
H2O	                        46
   98C 30S -> (98C 10S -> 58C 20S -> 72C 20S) x 6 -> (98C 10S -> 72C 20S) x40
   Monitoring the reactions and terminate the program right before the amplification curves reach the plateau.
AmpR6.3Ind1  - H1 gDNA
AmpR6.3Ind12 - H1 cDNA
  • TBU Gel Quantification
Pre-run TBU gel

75C 7 min -> cooling rack 5 min -> Load gel

File:ZhangLab 2 2010-08-19 17hr 19min.jpg

Purified with Qiaquick columns, quantified with Nanodrop and pooled in equal ratios.
   H1(cDNA) 21.3ng/ul x 30ul
   H1(gDNA) 26.9ng/ul x 30ul
   1034s    32.0ng/ul x 30ul
Pool H1(gDNA) and H1(cDNA) in equal ratios
	ng/ul	To get 100ng
H1cDNA	21.3	4.69
H1gDNA	26.9	3.72
Pool H1 (gDNA/cDNA mix) with gDNA mix in 4:6 ratio
Pool 1034s (cDNA) with cDNA mix in 2:8 ratio

	        ng/ul	Ng Needed	Volume
H1 mix	        23.78	60	        2.52
1034s	        32	30	        0.94
cDNA Mix	20	120	        6
gDNA Mix	77.7	90	        1.16

    • Size Selection
Sample volume TBE Buffer 6X Loading Dye Total Volume /4
H1+gDNA 14.73 16 28 58.73 14.68
1034+cDNA 27.75 4 28 59.75 14.94

Turn on centrifuge let it cool down to 4C

  • Add 0.1x total volume of 3M sodium acetate and 2.5x total volume 100% ethanol.
  • Add 1uL Glycoblue vortex and spin down so that one can precipitate better and see the DNA.
  • Freeze in -80C for 20 min, spin at 10,000 rpm for 20 min at 4C, discard supernatant with pipette.
  • Add 500 uL of 75% ethanol to wash DNA, spin at 10,000 rpm for 5 min at 4C, discard supernatant and aspirate with (P1000 pipette) let dry for 5 mins spindown ad aspirate with P200 pipette.
  • Let dry in hood ~ 10 min.
  • Add 20 uL of water(totally) to the tube to resolve the DNA in, leave at least 15 min.

Store at 4C if needed, spin down before proceeding

  • Qubit Quantification
cDNA-2.42ng/ul (22.1nM)
gDNA-1.19ng/ul (10.87nM)