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Experiment 1: PCR on newly ordered PGP1Ver4 primer
The new primer PGP1Ver 4 came in with 24 different forward and reverse primers each (200uM). Then the primers are diluted to 1/100uM by mixing with 2uL Forward + 2uL Reverse + 196 uL H2O for experimental purpose and to preserve the original samples.
The primers are then ready for PCR. The reagents used are listed below:

' one reaction
Template 1
2X Master Mix 15
10uM forward primer + reverse primer 3
H2O 11

94C 3min -> 40 cycles of (94C 30S -> 56C 30S -> 72C 20sec) -> 72C 3min
Notes: The templates used are: GM20431 (column 7-8), GC1F (column 9-10), GC1EP (column 11-12)