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Agarose gel on post-PCR product of PGP1Ver4 Primers

' well 1 well 2-17
Low Mass bp Ladder 3 ul 0 ul
Novex 5x TBE loading dye 1 ul 1 uL
TBE buffer 1 ul 0 ul
post-PCR sample 0 ul 4 ul

Note: 10uL SYBEsafe was added to the agrose gel, so no further staining will be needed.
File:ZhangLab 2 2008-01-09 16hr 39min.jpeg
Result: The image shows that the reaction was successful, whereas the bands are not primer dimers. However, some of the wells don't show any bands at all, this means that the PCR product of these well didn't shoot up until very late stage. This might be caused by not mixing the primers very well or simply these primers don't work as expected. The results were consistent with all different columns, therefore the chance of any random error should be low.