Athurva Gore/LabNotes/2009-8-19

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Probeset Upload[edit]

our $exon_info_file='/Users/ajgore/Software/PPDesign/Jobs/Harvard_Lee/ZhangGenes_input_final.csv';
our $primerMaxLen=30;
our $primerMinLen=18;
our $H1OptLen=25;
our $H2OptLen=25;
our $targetOptLen=18;
our $targetMinLen=18;
our $targetMaxLen=18;
our $arewebisulfite=0;
our $softwareDir='/Users/ajgore/Software/PPDesign/07162009';
our $HsDir='/Users/kunzhang/HsGenome/hg18.snp129Mask/';

eval `cat $softwareDir/` or die 'couldnt parse file';
eval `cat $softwareDir/` or die 'couldnt parse file';
eval `cat $softwareDir/` or die 'couldnt parse file';
eval `cat $softwareDir/` or die 'couldnt parse file';
eval `cat $softwareDir/` or die 'couldnt parse file';
eval `cat $softwareDir/` or die 'couldnt parse file';
our $exon_info_file='/Users/ajgore/Software/PPDesign/Jobs/Harvard_Lee/CancerGenes_input_final.txt';
our $exon_info_file='/Users/ajgore/Software/PPDesign/Jobs/Harvard_Lee/XGenes/XchrGenes_input.txt';
our $primerMaxLen=30;
our $primerMinLen=18;
our $H1OptLen=25;
our $H2OptLen=25;
our $targetOptLen=18;
our $targetMinLen=18;
our $targetMaxLen=18;
our $arewebisulfite=0;
our $softwareDir='/Users/ajgore/Software/PPDesign/07162009';
our $HsDir='/Users/kunzhang/HsGenome/hg18.snp129Mask/';

eval `cat $softwareDir/` or die 'couldnt parse file';
eval `cat $softwareDir/` or die 'couldnt parse file';
eval `cat $softwareDir/` or die 'couldnt parse file';
eval `cat $softwareDir/` or die 'couldnt parse file';
eval `cat $softwareDir/` or die 'couldnt parse file';
eval `cat $softwareDir/` or die 'couldnt parse file';
our $exon_info_file='/Users/ajgore/Software/PPDesign/Jobs/Baylor/SETNAME/FILENAME';
our $primerMaxLen=30;
our $primerMinLen=20;
our $H1OptLen=25;
our $H2OptLen=25;
our $targetOptLen=170;
our $targetMinLen=130;
our $targetMaxLen=185;
our $arewebisulfite=0;
our $softwareDir='/Users/ajgore/Software/PPDesign/07162009';
our $HsDir='/Users/kunzhang/DmGenome/dm3/' OR '/Users/kunzhang/HsGenome/hg18.snpMask/';

eval `cat $softwareDir/` or die 'couldnt parse file';
eval `cat $softwareDir/` or die 'couldnt parse file';
eval `cat $softwareDir/` or die 'couldnt parse file';
eval `cat $softwareDir/` or die 'couldnt parse file';
eval `cat $softwareDir/` or die 'couldnt parse file';
eval `cat $softwareDir/` or die 'couldnt parse file';

Analyzing False Positives[edit]

  • G-A bias? Check, Rob noticed it in his data

IPS and Cancer[edit]

Classifying SNPs[edit]

  • Can we remove false positives with an algorithm?